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I’m no fan of the president, but this situation generates zero outrage from me. Or even concern. 

Yeah.  I stopped playing Destiny 2 when they started doing this seasonal story stuff.  I don’t want to keep paying chunks of money every few months for a bit of story, rehashed weapon, enemies, etc.  Also, every so often a massive overhaul of game systems.  I don’t want to learn a system over and over and over.  I

Leave it to modders to actually add content to Red Dead Online

Exactly this.

I just wanna get in ahead of the shitposting:

I despise, as much as the next guy, those assholes who drive around with their light bars on all the time, blinding everyone. Those people suck.

Having said that, a light bar (or any auxiliary light) can be a fantastic tool on a dark, unlit road at night when used properly

I like Kotaku a lot but that urge to find ways to criticize everything you can is definitely a thing round here (even more than most of the internet). My theory is that it’s something wannabe intellectuals do to make themselves feel smarter than everybody else, and this website sure does cater to wannabe intellectuals.

Like, WHY does our community here have to be so insistent on being just like the neglected black sheep in a family? Always trying to tear down and nitpick other peoples efforts and accomplishments? "That's nice but..." then proceed to shitpost. Like the pirate with a steering wheel in his pants; it drives me nuts!

A) He created the company.

As soon as I saw the headline my first thought was “I wonder what the Kotaku comment section will find to make negative comments about”. And yup, not disappointed.

I just want the 10M people that D/L “candy selfie camera” to have their names posted in times square or somewhere like that, we need to know who these 10M people are that have no taste.

the malware apps in question are so bizarre and pointless, you’d have to be the dumbest Android user on Earth to download them in the first place

“This is a perfect case of Ferrari ass-showing: create an SUV nobody wants”

The details are that they’re entitled assholes

Entitled asshole car company that makes cars for entitled assholes, acts like an entitled asshole. Details at 11

New York will become the first American city to charge a fee to drive into the busiest areas of Manhattan.

Please tell me you lock the rear liftgate, that would make my day.

We had some instances of cars in my neighborhood getting ransacked over a period of a few months. Camera footage shows that all the cars were unlocked.

That camo pattern works far too well. The biggest downside I see is the single exhaust which to me says ecoboost 4 banger.