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McDonald’s USA: Cuts sponsorship of Kyle Larson

“Parents dont know know what loot boxes are, and we dont want to educate them, so here is another meaningless label”

Cool. Now require a Mature rating for these for-money gambling mechanics, both direct and abstracted.

Ban them. Not this pussy-footering about with ‘oh, we’ll warn them on the box’. If you have a loot box system that runs on a gambling mechanic, you’re either hoping to snag or trying to create addicts.

I appreciate easy/story mode. I’m here to have a good time (that means not doing the same fight over and over), enjoy the story itself, and then move on to the next thing. So in the case of FF7, I’m actually happy to hear this...

How do you burn a livestream? Asking for a Norwegian friend.

No, no, let the fundies gather en-masse. Let them heartily shake hands with one another in a safe space. It’s what Jesus would want, and also what’s best for the country.

But you, that DOES affect me. There you have a bunch of people that decide to let go of rationality, reasoning and who embrace unjustified beliefs and superstition. This is the kind of behaviour that causes a lot of harm worldwide. We should know better that to not only acknowledge but even consider this kind of

If this dude doesn't "right" gaming articles, do they wrong them?

This dude doesnt even right gaming articles, stay in your lane and off a gaming site.

No offense Riley. But is this really the place to tell us about your online jesus course?

What does this have to do with anyone? Religion is for sheep. 

Just to echo others.. Why is this on Kotaku? Can’t be that slow of a day. ;)

I’m sorry, I try to be open-minded, really... but all this energy spent for maintaining rituals and false beliefs, plus added to the incredible fact that people are trying to make it so the LGBT community can be fully accepted by any monotheistic religion (although all the monotheistic sacred texts see it as a sin,

What does this have to do with gaming?  The front headline article on Kotaku is about church?  

What does this have to do with kotaku and gaming?

Why is this on Kotaku?

As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog

“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by

It’s like a tweet from Trump. You read it to see how stupid it is, but then you realize you’re just encouraging him by giving him more attention.