Did you really just say this is worse for the industry than crunch? Crunch has a demonstrable impact on the lives of the people making the game
Did you really just say this is worse for the industry than crunch? Crunch has a demonstrable impact on the lives of the people making the game
Calm down snowflake, no one is hiding anything.
It’s one quarter of the original, expanded to the length of the original. If that’s not for you, then great news, you don’t have to buy it, but it’s not like they’re trying to hide what it is or cheap out on the amount of content included.
This bullshit again.
I...don’t understand your stance here, honestly. This literally is only a talking point about this game because it’s a remake, it’s like saying that you shouldn’t buy Trails of Cold Steel because it’s part of a larger story. There’s a point to be made about the game not needing to be only Midgar, for sure, but…
Ew no. It was a doctor who originally designed the ps1 and the dual analog design. If you put your hands out in front of you, your thumbs are horizontal, not staggard. Hold a ball and see where your thumbs are.
No please no. The symmetrical sticks might be the main reason I chose a PS system to start with. It feels so much more natural
Normally I would agree with you, but not in this case. In these unprecedented times and extenuating circumstances, why not show some basic leniency for the time being?
lol whut?
I’ve got quite a few years of pizza eating under my belt (literally), almost all of which being of the tomato sauce variety, and while I’ve encountered many literally dripping with grease, I’ve never run into one dripping with “juice”.
What kind of pizza are you eating that has “juices”?
TL;DR shouldn’t self-diagnose off the interweb anyway.
Yeah, but they’re hugely at risk. Often older, poor health, traveling widely, exposed lots of other travelers.
I typically go through a tank of gas every 5 days or so. I haven’t gone through 1/4 of a tank in the last two weeks.
I say keep your distance at gas stations, and go for it.
I bet truckers LOVE the decrease in personal vehicle traffic.
It sounds like Hamilton Nolan is writing under the pen name Joan Summers.