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    Stupid Andy Benoit, you’re just supposed to think that, not actually say it.

    Plus, growing up in that region, I will guarantee that 90% of that crowd was hicks from the areas north and west of Green Bay. Those fucking people have no shame/dignity/limits on their behavior. They make Green Bay residents look downright cosmopolitan.

    This is par for the course, folks. Ever been to a Packers game? Green Bay is about the drinkenest region of one of the the drinkenest states in the union. Not a surprise at all.

    It’s funny how I keep seeing commenters saying that the speed limit in Illinois on the freeways is 55 when in actuality it’s 70. It’s the Chicaoland area where it’s 55, but I guess to Chicagoans the rest of Illinois doesn’t exist.

    Exactly the same as WI.

    I was surprised when I bought a new Hyundai in 2013 that they tried to sell me a $2500 extended warranty as I was doing the final paperwork when it already came with all of Hyundai’s long warranties and services. The salesperson admitted to me that, “yeah, it’s worthless for your vehicle, I just have to ask.”

    She must have been bad at sports.

    Iverson is like, you put me on a list with a guy who once ran into the stands to beat an armless spectator and a guy who was accused of double homicide because I got wasted and missed some practice? Practice?

    I’m not sure this works in our litigious society. What happens if it malfunctions and the image freezes moments before a car is getting ready to pass? Can the driver of that car then sue the trucking company after their head-on collision? Could both cars involved in the accident sue? Or what happens if a driver

    Cleveland fans says she’s just playing hard, showing true hustle.

    I always laughed at my brother for flipping his inherited early-90s Explorer. Maybe I shouldn’t have. But the dude did also manage to roll both a 4-banger, fox-body Mustang and an ‘82 Skylark! That dude could roll anything as a teenager.

    So how long until he seeks asylum in Russia to escape corruption charges? No way they will extradite him anywhere.

    Your best bet is to just be honest and polite with the cop and accept whatever you get. It’s amazing how many people can’t control themselves and get lippy with the police. I got out of a ticket just a few weeks ago by being honest.

    In Texas the speed limit on that road would be 50 MPH and everyone would ignore that limit.

    But ... toxins!

    I won’t defend his methods but he’s got a point ...

    I have a question?

    Back when I was in the Army we got a new guy who immediately revealed himself as an ex-marine by calling one of our sergeants first class the slang term “Gunny.” That sergeant called the ex-marine up in front of the formation and said he’d show us the difference between a soldier and a marine.

    We’re not talking O’Hare or LaGuardia here. At an airport that size one or two TSA employees would hang around in the terminal but it must not have been enough staff for whatever minimum they need to re-open a checkpoint. Each airport has sightly different rules on exactly how many males and females are needed to run

    More like preparing for an invasion of upstate New York to turn it over to the Kenyan military and World Bank.