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    Not quite that same but ... I saved the end of Blood and Wine for the night of the election thinking it would help me pass the time. I had one of the good endings of the main game and had heard I would like the ending to the final DLC. We all know how that night unfolded in real life. So what should be a really nice

    A teenage girl whose boyfriend kills himself will get a whole lot of compassionate attention for quite a while. Judging by what I’ve read about her comment to others, this seems to be a large part of her motive. She may be mentally ill herself, and she’s obviously immature, but she knew what she was doing.

    As a DFW resident I’m all for this. It’s not the extreme overaggressiveness that gets me here, its the extreme overaggressiveness mixed with brain dead idiots who are completely unaware of their surroundings.

    All they need now is a thin curtain that they shut for meal service surrounding those seats and a bitchy employee telling the other folks they can’t use that restroom.

    Berneko is the literary equivalent of a weeping cold sore.

    Except it is his job to ask. Interviewees don’t get to dictate what questions are asked of them by the media. And if he doesn’t ask the questions people want asked he gets accused of lobbing softballs and being shill for the players/league. Personally, I like Webber, but I don’t give a shit about his Wake Forest

    I nearly rolled a humvee down a very steep, very large hill in Fort Irwin once. I had it up on two wheels while it decided whether or not to kill me and the passenger. It was not a pleasant experience.

    I will never get all the weird hatred people have for the commissioners of the professional leagues. They are essentially CEOs of multi-billion dollar corporations. Their job is to lead and grow the league. Their allegiances are to the shareholders (owners) first and the employees (players) second. Do we hold Disney’s

    Coon doesn’t mean the same thing up in the far north as it does in hillbilly country. If you think there’s a racist connotation to that chant, it’s on you. I guarantee is you ask 100 WI residents what the word coon means, 80 or more will say it’s short for raccoon. People who think otherwise are projecting.

    And deny that baby the experience of a Major League playoff game? You, sir, are a monster.

    I’ll take gambling advice from a dude named after a city. I’ll take automotive advice from a dude named after a city. I’ll even take dating advice from a dude named after a city. But I’m not taking health or dietary advice from fuckin’ a guy named Dallas.

    Don’t forget, suitcase full of candy, gum and seeds if you’re in the bullpen. They consume so much junk food they need an entire carry-on bag to hold it all.

    Your chart is broken, yo. According to it you cannot buy an iPhone upfront from Sprint, which you still can for the rest of 2015 I believe. I know you still have that option because I just turned it down last weekend. Did the new phone forever lease on a 128 GB instead.

    I like how being a drifter has totally taken on a new meaning over the last decade.

    Britt tore the ball away from the Packers defender on the ground after the refs had made the signal for Packers ball. Pretty easy to explain, fellas.

    I see Drew and Romeo have similar taste in shirts. Who knew?

    Just one more example of the corrupt American government targeting ordinary Russian citizens when they visit the US.

    Didn’t that movie get changed because a Chinese company purchased a large share of the studio?

    I’m sure this has already been pointed out but wouldn’t it make more sense to move the Rams to the AFC West? Then you’d have a natural St. Louis - Kansas City rivalry.

    For sure, this one was not though.