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Thank you for this comment.
This isn’t really surprising. In smaller airports almost all of the TSA employees leave a bit after the last scheduled flight for the day. There’s no reason for them to be around. I’m assuming this was a miscommunication and the TSA supervisor on duty thought the flight was cancelled. Or they have a bad relationship…
Fuckhead parents like these who feel the need to give their dumb kids unique names/spellings are the reason I now have to spell my first name to people. It’s Jason. There are no fucking E’s or Y’s or SS’s in my name. But all the Jayson, Jaesson, Jaisen and Jayssens out there have fucked up for those of us with the…
I just want to see the last three episodes.
So sad that the atheist, libtard NFL is so openly hostile towards good Christians.
Why would it stall if he never got it in gear? Obviously the person knew enough the release the parking brake and push in the clutch, thus is rolled backwards down the driveway, but he never got it back into gear.
I had an old Honda Prelude that was so easy for crooks to open up that locking its doors made no sense. Once, while it was locked inside my garage, some thieves broke in and stole my ultra-generic CD player and all my silver change. They had taken the time to picked through about $8 in change to leave all the pennies…
I’m sure this has happened a lot but ... but around 2001 a friend was sitting in her second floor apartment when she heard her Honda start up down below. Then she heard the engine rev loudly a few times - like the person had the gas pedal to the floor. She ran outside to see her car sideways in the middle of the…
I like to think of it as the same as an opiate addiction. Once you’re clean you can never ‘just have one.’ If you had an ex-heroin addict friend and they told you they just use a little heroin ‘on the weekends when they drink’ you would think they were nuts — and not really clean. It’s a lot easier if you think of it…
Name of method: Cold turkey, but chewed nicotine gum for the first few days.
Why do you say Top Gear USA no longer exists? I can't find anything saying it was cancelled?
How difficult is it to prove these types of cases in court? I know the cases seem open and shut from the media reports but these prosecutors must have felt that 20 years (nine with good behavior) was harsh enough to not take the chance of losing the cases. I imagine it's hard to prove rape when one party has no memory…
God, this is pretentious. Only Gawker can manage to make St. Louis look like the victim.
Maybe in 1953. Today, that producer would sue everyone with any connection to the show and never have to work a day in their life again.
It's long past time to abolish scholarship college athletics. Get rid of divisions, conferences and leagues. Schools can either concentrate on intramural sports, Div III style regional competition without scholarships or schools can sponsor professional teams competing in minor leagues for the money sports. If Ohio…
I saw one at a Home Depot a couple of weeks back. Those things are the bees knees!
I have a very simple rule when it comes to four-way stops: When I get to a four-way stop it is my turn.
I drove an '82 Yugo hatchback for about 6 months in high school. Does that count? (I had a long line of old cars from age 16 until my late twenties but that was the only one that could be considered interesting.) It was red, had a useless hood vent and a back seat that was not bolted down. And everything about driving…
I find it odd that so many are saying that this week's episode was one of their favorites. I thought it was kind of boring. Except for the aforementioned dam stunt the whole episode felt like a 'bottle episode.' That is, a sort-of cheap episode they could make without an army of mechanics and traveling crew. But I've…