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    A similar (minus the carjacking) thing happened to a friend of mine around 2001. She was sitting in her second floor apartment when she heard her Honda down below start up. Then she heard the engine rev up real loud a few times. She ran outside to see her car in the middle of the street with the driver's side door

    What is Drew arguing here?

    "which ditches the embedded navigation system"

    37, I love music and I don't think the CD slot in my '13 has ever been used. That's what they invented Bluetooth for!


    When I was a dumbass teenager I waited until the very last minute to mail in my registration renewal and check to the state. I got pulled over the next day on my way to work for expired plates. I explained to the officer that I had mailed in the form — I had the copy of it in my car — and was just waiting for the

    When I was 18-19 I worked at a restaurant where my job was 'day prep cook/lunch delivery driver.' I'd been a driver before and it's a fun job but F**K doing it at lunchtime when all you deliver to are businesses — they NEVER tipped. I delivered to this factory nearby almost daily where I knew every person there was

    For what it's worth, Larry Sanders illness then personal issues started right after the Bucks players held a 50 minute post-game meeting in the locker room after a loss to Charlotte. The press on-hand that night were commenting on how unusual a meeting of that length was. After the meeting, the players would only

    Do you think if this blog was around 100 years ago there'd be people on here complaining about rear view mirrors? 'Why do I need a gall darn mirror when I can just turn lift my driving goggles up and turn my head?!'

    I had a buddy in the army who had a bad habit of getting trashed to the point of puking at least once a week. One time, another buddy got a call to pick up drunky because he'd been kicked out of a house party for being too wasted. I went along for the ride. The guy with the car had a newish two-door Regal (this was

    Fish can be spread by aquatic birds. Fish eggs can get stuck to the feet and feathers of ducks and other aquatic birds and deposited in new bodies of water. I've also heard that they can be spread when birds accidentally eat fish eggs while foraging for food and then drop them in their poo, but I'm not sure if this

    I once saw a guy yell that he had a 'bomb in his bag' while waiting in a security line trying to 'make the line go faster.' It didn't work. Another guy yelled something similar because he was frustrated with how long it was taking the rebooking line. A guy once called our 800 number and said he was going to come to

    It's happened numerous times. Airport and airlines get threats all the time. They just rarely report it to the media since they don't want to encourage copy cats. All the time.

    For airlines employees, the worst part about the holidays is that it's all rookies traveling. Business travelers can be demanding but they know the routine and usually roll with the punches. The people who buy a ticket once a year on Travelocity to go visit grandma are a whole different fucking story. Add to that the

    Do you do these alcohol reviews just for an excuse to bitch about something for five paragraphs? The actual reviews always seem just kind of stuck on at the end. I guess it's hard to stretch out a beer review longer than a few sentences but this always seems like a column dedicated to how you feel about a certain

    Of course I don't know of all the evidence against Hernandez in this case but I always thought the text messages were the most damning. The murdered man basically tells his sister who did it without actually typing 'Aaron Hernandez.' But I think most reasonable people would consider this damning.

    Is that a suicide bomb vest? I think it is. If it were just ammo pouches why draw them over the load bearing equipment straps?

    What's suspicious is it's one item hidden in another items. The TSA doesn't give a shit about drugs — they're looking for explosives. But people hide both of those items in similar fashion.

    BTW, this is actually the TSA's policy for the entire country. They do not specifically look for drugs — and trust me, they wish people didn't pack them in their luggage — but are required to report it to law enforcement if they find it. And since they do search each and every bag that gets checked, there's a decent

    They invented the most effective type of cleanse hundred of years ago — it was called blood letting. And it was a great way to rid the body of toxins and demonic spirits. Stick to that and you'll be as healthy as our ancestors were centuries ago!