
“[M]id-quality pizza concern?”

Finally, the show co-starring a Hasidic swordsman we’ve all been waiting for.

Hopefully it’s a love story about the Rancor and pit-keeper from Episode VI

I was hoping she’d be a little strategic about it. Maybe call out to them and then hide under a bed or something. When Serena comes running in blow her legs off at the knees and then when the Commander comes running to Serena’s screams pop him in the face point blank.

You can zoom in on the picture in this article and see two of them clearly.

So, so brave. Hopefully these oppressed heroes can take a trip to some of the migrant child detention centers to show those little brats what true oppression and suffering look like.

The best joke is actually in ESB when the Millennium Falcon escapes and the admiral says, “I’ll go apologize to Lord Vader personally,” and the next time we see him Vader is choking him to death and says, “Apology accepted.”

I misread “rapping Ewok” for a second and got really concerned.

The short answer is that, unfortunately, access to mental health treatment has precipitously declined since The Phantom Menace came out.

They could’ve at least started giving him cigarettes to try and stunt his growth.

Sounds like too much work. AMC will probably just give Darryl a bandana as a new accessory and call it a day.

Who’s the unsmiling mobster in the header shot? He obviously turned to the guy next to him as soon as the photo was taken and told him, “If you evah fuckin’ touch me again I’ll have your fuckin’ hands off.”

It’s an incredibly bad episode and makes me very happy that I’ve seen virtually none of the ones ranked even worse.

It’s been 20 years and some of my friends and I will still end a story with, “And that’s when the CHUDs came at me.”

“As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a movie critic. To me, being a movie critic was better than being President of the United States. Even before I first wandered into the moviecriticstand for an after-school job, I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew that I belonged. To

Occam’s razor suggests that when presented with a choice of, “a massive conspiracy involving multiple international corporate conglomerates and dozens of individual film critics caused Gotti to get a 0% rating” or “Gotti is a not a good movie,” that the latter is correct.

“An ER nurse is presented with the tip that she’s “very proud of her calves.””

Even worse Pence gave Kim a boxed Blu-ray set of the God is not Dead trilogy featuring over 10 hours of commentary by Kevin Sorbo.

I’m a big fan of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man too.

I thought they made pretty clear in Episode I through the treatment of Anakin and his mother that the Jedi are cool with slavery, child or otherwise.