
Fallout 4 also deserves credit on how to do open world right. It eschews for the most part any of the usual find 10 of these, 500 of these BS quests, even minor quests have well thought out stories and characters that are more than just “local villager who needs X brought here,” and almost all locations were lovingly

Why is Aquaman standing on stone in that header shot!? He should be standing in one of those reflecting pools in the background!

I sure hope when ever anyone brings up Barb, the other characters respond with, “Who?” Even during the mentioned dinner with Barb’s parents.

I assume the show will really capture the reality of war where it’s 99% crushing boredom where absolutely nothing happens.

Can’t wait till tomorrow’s survey of:

[Scooby and Shaggy exit kitchen where they made improbably tall sandwiches to find Fred, Velma, and Daphne have been dismembered and their corpse burned]

There’s a boatload of money waiting out there for a company that develops a FPS around killing klan members, hopefully, involving killing neo-Confederates too.

Yes, nothing will rehab Weinstein’s reputation like a libel trial where every allegation of sexual misbehavior is brought out in depositions and court for the press to over-analyze. I’m sure he’s not going seem like a complete scumbag after every detail of every sexually inappropriate thing he’s done to his female

I don’t see any sort of privacy statement on that form.

Luckily for Yahoo 2.9 billion of those were bot/spam accounts.

The weekly dinners with their Kremlin handlers?

Voluntary, involuntary, these are terms that don’t mean anything to the women around Trump.

He forgot the basic actor’s maxim of, “Never go full retard.”

From that header shot I was really hoping this was where this story was going:

He has, however, committed to getting rid of his awful trophy wife at the first sign of ass sag.

Fake liberal media doesn’t cover Trump’s pledge to donate $1 million!!!1!!...possibly because the donation will wind up being $1 million in repairs to his Houston Golf Club or 2000 MAGA baseball caps he claims are worth $500 a pop because they’re limited edition Hurricane Harvey MAGA hats.

I’m sure her ratings will be fine as I’m pretty sure there’s a good overlap between the type of people watching network tv at 10 am on a weekday and her target audience of “people who totally aren’t racist but appreciate someone casually tossing off statements to put the blacks in their place.”

Her “I look like I’m sympathizing with you but am thinking about slashing your throat and bathing in the blood spray” face in the header shot is even better than yours.

Katherine Heigl.

Spoiler: they all get ringworm.