
If I remember correctly, GM bought them while they were about to die off. They over engineered and had no concept of making a profitable car. Makes a good car, but a horrible business. Basically, they would have died in the 80s/90s, well before the 9-5 and other current Saabs.

The thought that the 9-7x is even on the list is disgusting. Seriously, it's the best vehicle on a good platform. Is it a true Saab, no. But was it a disgrace to Saab? Not really. It fit the image and gave GM an SUV entry on a floundering nameplate. With the amount of them I saw on the road (MI), I would say it was


I had one, and if that particular one hadn't had engine issues (common on the '06 5.3) it was an awesome vehicle. Honestly, I'm not sure it really was a disgrace to Saab anymore than the 9-2x was. Between the interior and suspension, it was the best of the Trailblazers for around town, non-offroaders.

@Brightmotor: Thanks for the review. Input is very welcome. Of course, I am beginning to wonder how I am ever going to afford the laptop....

@the_amazing_doug: Mac has 0 advantage in graphics and media creation these days unless you use Final Cut and Apreture. If you use Adobe or anyone else, Win7 is the way to go. Not to mention the laptop screens the Macs have are rated as only mid pack and still below a lot of desktop screens. The two I listed are

I am looking for one for photo and video work. Why no category for media creation? So far the choices seem to be the Lenovo W700 and HP Elitebook 8740w.

@soldstatic: Trust me, I only take anything internet commenters say with a grain of salt.

@soldstatic: Depends on your definition of better. I just hate that stereotype because I heard it so much while working for a skinny chef.

@soldstatic: I know many good skinny chefs. Used to cook for one.

Ok, I am always eating at my desk, so a wipe-able keyboard would be very nice......


I love using RedLaser. It has saved me quite a bit of cash. Paid for itself the first time I used it (buying a router).

@2Wheelsor4: FIST OF JUSTICE: On the note of detonating the flight, how do the current practices of the TSA actually prevent this? Most of us hop from one airport to another, and the TSA procedures are far from the same at ANY airport. All it does so far is inconvience and anger people who fly in and out of major

@zenneth: There is no way they could ever set up a system on the borders without completely hampering inter-state commerce. Never going to happen.

@jetRink: It was a bit tounge in cheek. It was a hyper-comparison much like is common in the media today. Take a chill pill dude.

@manic_panic: Traveling solo, the train makes as much sense as anything. Not to mention reduced carbon foot print of mass transit. Being single with no kids does have some advantages.