
As an AMG owneri can tell you he probably had those wheels washed a week ago.

Keep in mind the fact that the people who design the logos are probably not the people who choose the logos, the designer likely presented several options that were much better that were rejected by the higher-ups.

Come on. The bone spur excuse to let Pence take over was funny.

Wouldn’t even say she’s trolling, since she is asking legitimate questions.

I’m pretty sure people have been making a sport of it since before even the inauguration. This article is from back in December about Trump mass blocking people. Mashable even posted a how-to guide. She should consider it a badge of honour that she managed to get blocked and some publicity out of it.

It is almost inconceivable that the sitting president of the most powerful nation on the planet is so thin-skinned that he can’t take a little ribbing from a professional comedian.

Yes. It was gold.

That last tweet was perfect. Shows what his priorities are.

“We’re sorry, but this service is unavailable right now.”
I freaking HATE how Nintendo is dealing with these. We all can’t be on your strange ass scheduling! Just leave it open all weekend, damnit!

Dude was able to carry around half a dozen bombs full of bees and fire in his pockets. Seems like he ought to have been able to sew up some special animal hide sleeves.

Exactly. I lasted about twenty seconds into each of them. Oh, an old guy swearing at people instead of a squeaky kid! How entertaining...

The thing that makes them unfunny in my opinion is how the other people break character, or have unfunny dialogue.


Stop getting your information from spy movies.

To be pedantic, code word clearance is compartmentalized information that is either Secret or Top Secret, and not a level of classification in itself. But any rational thinking person would agree that it is above “Top Secret”. I don’t know if that guy with the bad username knows that, but the rest of his comment just

Well, somebody doesn’t know what they’re talking about. (ie: you)

Swing and a miss. Take a lap, goob.

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

A baby bird in the nest that opens its brightly-colored mouth and makes a peep sound will be fed by its parents. It will continue doing this until it is a fully grown bird. Meanwhile, a baby bird that does not do this will starve to death.