
There are some experimental forest management areas near the origin of the Caldor fire where trees were not lost. To blame climate change for all of California’s fire troubles is insufficient. For those of us that live/visit these areas frequently, it was clear that mitigation was being ignored.

Justice AND a show!

Seriously though, why don’t we just OD death row inmates on Fentanyl?

So part of the production process involves playing with Star Wars toys and acting out the scenes you’ve written, Dark Helmet style. I fucking knew it.

I hope that Qi’Ra is the one who really knows that Han is secret Corellian royalty!

Solo, what a man!

Clearly this is just a way to capitalize on Kitten Mittens:

The highlight of the episode was Shadow’s grumpy “Yes, I like marshmallows.”

Five good guesses?

Terrifying thing? Many spider venoms dont work by merely paralyzingly their prey. They work by forcing the pain receptors and nerves to constantly fire, over tensing the muscles and basically locking the body in place. So the prey feels everything and then some. Sweet dreams!

He was only off by two feet.

It sets off the shock collar if it’s too far away.

What happens when you try ? Do you get zapped by some force field ?

Right? You don’t go to a Star Wars movie for an air tight plot and cerebral themes. You go see a Star Wars movie because they’re a lot of fun and they make you feel good. That’s where the prequels failed - there was no heart. As long as this one has heart, I’m good.

+1 for shade.

In an extreme example, Hillary could have gotten 30,000,000 votes from only California and trump 29,999,999 from the other 49 states. Does that mean California dictates what the country does because Hillary won the popular vote? No and the electoral college prevents that situation in more real world terms from

I don’t think it’s a system that does anything but shrink the electoral map from 50 states down to about 6 or 7 important ones.

And in 2005, Brokeback Mountain had the popular vote for best picture, however we ended up with Crash for four years.

Is it an accurate indicator of candidate support, though, after you take into account the wide regional disparities in the US?