
This, California’s wildfire woes come from a complete lack of forest management.  If there’s a way to manage something, California will mismanage it at 10x the cost!

I hope he’s reprising his role as “the fireblaster”....

I was thinking the same thing....why make this more complicated than it has to be....or sedate them and then go the nitrogen route...

Finally someone who gets it!

Don’t for get all the potential supreme court picks! Hooooorayyyyy!

Trump won 83% of the counties in the US....I think that speaks louder than the popular vote. Hillary outperformed trump by 4 mill in they matter more than the rest of us?

Ok, so Trump won 83% of the counties in the US....what does that say?


Someone earned that money in most cases, why shouldn’t they be able to leave it to their kids? I don’t care if there great-great-great-whomever was Henry Ford and that money has been passed down for’s theirs, why would anyone have the right to take it?

now now, it’s the skipray “blastboat” if I recall correctly :oP