
You beat me to it. Just about any co-op game could work for this. The Forbidden series (Island, Desert, Sky), The Captain Is Dead, Castle Panic, Mysterium, Hanabi. Of course, having a single game runner limits the tangible action, which was the point of the article. But if the games are spread out among various

From those of us who found their first greys at 18, I say...join the grey side. I was fully salt-and-pepper by 30, and I have no regrets.


Yeah, no, we dropped the ball way after anything China did. We had weeks to react after they locked Wuhan down, which wasn’t a secret. I mean, you want to place blame, great. Whatever makes you feel better. Maybe focus on people in your own country that fucked everything up. Unless you’re in South Korea, I guess, they

I wasn’t even aware of this trend, and I’m happy it’s ending. You should cook because you like cooking, and because you like to eat good food. If you’re cooking just to show off your $500 Le Creuset dutch oven to random people on the internet, you have entirely missed the point, IMO.

Man, I wish my rent was only a grand. I pay over $1300 for a tiny one-bedroom, because I happened to move in 2012 to a city that almost immediately became a very popular place to move to. Housing prices here are ridiculous. At least I still have a job for now.

Yeah, it sucks. I guess they had to appease the “no free stuff!” contingent somehow, some of whom are already complaining that poor people might get a bit more than they usually earn, heaven forbid. Like your parents, I will get less than the max because I filed early, and my income got boosted last year, but

Diseases are not people. People have nationalities, not diseases. And anyone using any justification or rationalization to name a disease after a country is probably a fucking racist. Like the orange shitgibbon in the White House.

Lazy troll is lazy.

Um, fuck no to all those. Monopoly? What? Asmodee has made app versions of Carcassonne, Mysterium, Pandemic, Ticket To Ride, and Terraforming Mars, and you’re suggesting goddamn Uno? Thanks, but I’d like to keep my friends.

This. My refund was $6. When I tell people this, they are incredulous, like I did something wrong. No, I just know my situation, and I’m keen to keep my money as I make it, not just when the government decides to give it back.

So...people still give thousands of dollars worth of interest-free loans to the government, instead of using their own money all year, huh? Sure, sounds like a great idea. Guess my $6 refund check means I’m the dummy.

Ooh, more plastic! GTFOH.

Ooh, more plastic! GTFOH.

Without a border, the logo just looks like a tracking marker for a crash test. With the border, you at least know to expect the driver to cut you off, because BMW.

Are you saying that Trump’s “1% or less” is based on a study of the opinions of experts, and not pulled out of his voluminous orange ass? Because that’s hilarious.

It certainly sounds like you’re trying to justify the statements of an ignorant boob. Are you mad that he’s an incompetent liar?

Dear Nonexistent God,

You can safely dismiss anyone who uses the phrase “cancel culture” unironically. They probably want to say something terrible, and are worried about being held accountable. Yeah, what a fucking tragedy.

Or cancel culture is a bunch of bullshit complained about by rich assholes who don’t like being held accountable for their terrible takes. No one has been cancelled. I mean, except for Shane Gillis, but whatever, no big loss.

So, same batshit crazy as ever. Everyone they don’t like is a socialist baby killer trying to ruin our children with trans-ness, or whatever. I mean, it’s still horrifying, and I don’t want it to have become normalized, but it doesn’t sound much crazier than 2018, or 2017.