
First, I am not disagreeing with you that some people seem to be looking to be offended at everything, regardless of the intent of the “offender”. However, telling a corporation that they can improve something about their approach to gender inclusivity is not attacking them. The quoted tweet was not an attack, nor,

To all the Very Smart People in the comments helpfully reminding us plebes that these devices are always listening, thanks. That’s why I bought one. So it can listen to me, and do things I want it to. As long as I’m not a dumbass who installs shady third-party apps, I have very little to be worried about.

This process is as effective, and as gross, as you say. But if you rent, even if you clean your oven to the point where there isn’t so much as an errant fingerprint on the inside, your leasing company will charge you to clean it when you move out. I need to buy a house.

This process is as effective, and as gross, as you say. But if you rent, even if you clean your oven to the point

I have consciously made an effort to use “they/them/their” for all people I refer to, if I don’t know their pronouns, and even sometimes if I do. I don’t know many non-binary people, but I figure it’s good practice in general. Thankfully, I haven’t been corrected by anyone who prioritizes pedantry over compassion.

So, be a rich white dude who can pay other people to do his work for him. Got it. Fuck Dave Asprey.

Personally, I don’t use apostrophes when I’m pluralizing abbreviations. I think they look busy. As for the former, I would use “in his nineties,” because I avoid numerals in prose, but if you need it shortened, “90s.” If I’m referring to the actual decade, it would be “’90s.”

Meh, I remember that happening like crazy back when I was in college 20 years ago. It’s just one item on a long list of perennial grammar flubs.

Its a shame to hear that the website is ending it’s crusade. Good thing Im pretty good at the punctuation’s.

I thought anti-choice assholes were already the bottom of the barrel in terms of medical knowledge. Now they’re boring holes in the barrel. Big, stupid holes.

I flew Basic Economy once. Never again. You get what you pay for. Except for Basic Economy. Then you get less.

Or maybe the people you text shouldn’t read a litany into every “OK” you send them. I don’t have all day, and I’m already paranoid about misusing periods. Why can’t everyone just assume I’m not a dismissive asshole, unless I’m obviously intending to be?

Somehow, I think the needs of the average user are not the same as someone who tests custom ROMs. Works just fine for me.

Just Got A Whole Lot Better

Just Got A Whole Lot Better

That’s not a crossbow. And Don Jr. probably couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, even with his fancy-ass compound bow.

Use one of these.

That really frosts my egg loaf.

Based on the advice self-help gurus like him and Tim Ferriss give to the masses, the main trick is being a rich white dude. I’ve read plenty of their nonsense, and the stuff that isn’t blatant pseudoscience (which is most of it) is pretty hard to achieve with anything that resembles a full-time job.

It really disheartens me that an internet article is required to teach people how to do something as simple as interpret an analog clock face. I’m not planning on having kids, but if I ever did, and my kid(s) didn’t know how to tell time, I would consider myself an utter failure.

Your kitchen sink is a disgusting place

Your kitchen sink is a disgusting place

And gunhumpers are too scared to allow them to do any research, because anything short of “guns are awesome, dawg” is “biased”. I look forward to your short, impotent contribution to the upcoming troubles.