
Yeah reshoots are like 100% de rigeur in modern film making, but also 100% de rigeur is news aggregate sites putting on a big song and dance about how they’re harbingers of doom.

He might die in this one, who knows.

No Bucky, that was a part of the news cycle for this for a while. News outlets all trying to pretend that that meant poor Anthony Mackie was gonna be sad and lonely filming this without his friend, instead of... you know a professional actor who makes movies without Sebastian Stan in them all the time.

Sabra is still in it. No word on how yet, but my guess is she was never gonna be more important than like Agent 13 was to Winter Soldier (as in they’ll never call her that). She’ll just be an agent working for Ross named Ruth, that’s the fair bet.

a tactic not documented with any other mammal species to date.”

That concept of Spider-Man being a lonely dope in an apartment with no friends and a cold is about as ephemeral as any other version of him. There’s really no extra character purity to be found in it, no matter how much the internet insists that’s the original vision or whatever. He’s vacillated between rich and poor

Plus with characters this minor people aren’t going to care unless they can use it for ragebait engagement farming or whatever. Sabra is no one’s favorite character. It’ll be just like how in the MCU Agent 13 is the Power Broker. No one cares that she’s not a giant dude with muscles too big for his bones to support or

All names are made up.

They’re gonna A) Never call her Sabra, going for Ruth instead, and B) She’ll be of Israeli descent but already working for some secret American government thing.  Probably just reporting directly to Ross.

That’s actually sorta normal for Cassandra Nova, she’s a cool villain from a cool arc, but she has a bullshit amount of powers.  Her gimmick is that she has all the psychic abilities it would have been possible for Charles to develop, so she’s powerfully telekinetic in addition to telepathic.  Basically like a

A bunch of universes are collapsing and the TVA is trying to do something about it. Maybe something good, maybe something bad. Cassandra Nova appears to also be a villain in it, and I’m guessing she’ll be just an alternate universe Xavier instead of his womb-fight tulpa villain or whatever. A few shots show what are

(despite Fox’s best attempts)“

Aesthetically I just don’t get anything from these. Like say what you will about Star Wars, it came off the line with the aesthetics locked the fuck down. Ask any eight year old to draw an Imperial ship and you’ll get a TIE fighter or a big wedge with a bunch of guns, and the colors are grey, black, white, touch of

Far too much Tim and Eric here.  Shoulda picked one and given the other two spots to all the missing stuff, like Xavier, Tigtone, Brak Show, and my personal favorite these days, YOLO Crystal Fantasy.

I’d cancel all of these in front of you for one more season of JLU, with the bat embargo lifted and free reign given to bring in all the Blue Beetles they want.

I’m seeing quintuple here, 25 Darth Vaders!

Sounds more like some dude that works with Snyder said that.  Like, I think Rebel Moon sucked and Snyder’s favorite trick is a little played out at this point, but he doesn’t appear to have claimed he’s going to make a six movie trilogy, as the only quote in this article is from a guy not named Snyder.

Well what job do you have to have to be allowed to critique high art? Like, do you have a job where you’re allowed to? Do I? I’m an author. I feel like this is an important thing to distinguish so you don’t come off as some gross fuckin’ boomer saying “Well you can’t have an opinion because I think a job you have is

Same for Avengers Campus.  I wanted to like it but it’s a big boring empty area of hot concrete with two rides and basically nothing else going on.  Really needs to be filled in.  The prospect of a Pandora version of that (and it’s not like we don’t know it would be that, the Florida Pandora area is a big boring area

Is he doing a bad job at it?