
Hell the service model stuff didn’t bother me nearly as much as every character looking the same in gameplay terms.  All Captain Boomerang and King Shark picking gun loadouts and running around doing over the shoulder gun kata, everyone have the same dumb looking floaty super jumps.  These characters should play like

Oooh, Sakuma drops.

Logan hasn’t happened in the MCU timeline because it’s set in 2029.  Even accounting for Snap year math it’s still like 2027 in the MCU.

Hell I liked it too, but honestly it did always feel like they grafted the end of a HGTV show on to Queer Eye.  The nice thing of course is that there’s no shortage of HGTV shows, so even if we lose the whole shebang you can still get your fix of renovation montages by just standing near the TV in any cafeteria or

I uhhh... I’m a weed smoking polyamorous bisexual California liberal, my dude. I think you may have perceived that I think I could use Wahlberg as a wedge to get people to shut up about Baldwin, instead of what I actually want, which is constant neverending reminders that Wahlberg did that shit and it’s weird we just

Honestly they’ll just replace him with another gay interior designer but what they should do is either drop the role or change it. The problem with Bobby’s role has always been that the rest of the goals are actionable for most folks. You could see something of yourself in the episode subject and come away with ideas

Real talk what is the correct amount of time of media-decided penance that a person has to wait through after accidentally killing someone else before they can do their ostensible job again? Is it like in years? Is it a never situation? Like there have to be some manner of statutes of limitations here because I’ve

Yes, your first sentence was correct. This is like Avengers: Age of Ultron. They are using the core character and a popular well-remembered name, and nothing else.

Sorry the mild salsa wasn’t very spicy.  I have a suggestion about how to remedy that in the future, it turns out it’s available in medium and hot spice levels as well!

Phineas Mason from Spider-Man: Homecoming is the tech guy.

Yeah, Hulk has that Batman problem where his solo stuff is all “I’m so alone, and my problems seem insurmountable” but then his group stuff is always “But I do have these five magic space friends that could easily solve a lot of my problems!  I just don’t let them because that’s not what this issue is about.”

Yeah, they just took Thrawn right out of those books, and they did it a while ago to boot. There’s zero chance of even stuff like C’Baoth coming up. Filoni lifted Thrawn as a concept along with the general idea of Noghri, plus Pellaeon, and literally nothing else. We’ll never see Mara Jade, we’ll never see Borsk

I am more surprised that they’d set it then at all rather than I am surprised that they’d set it then and then not do something with it.  Like why not set it in 2014 Utica and avoid the point entirely?

Like imagine reviewing other franchises like that.  All “I vaguely get why Ethan Hunt is always trying to do impossible missions, but viewers that aren’t turbo nerd weirdos will be genuinely confused what Ving Rhames is doing here.”

So what I’m hearing is if you’re like me and you DO know the difference between Kree and Skrulls and have for like decades, then you won’t find the beginning especially confusing?  I don’t know why every one of these needs to be reviewed as if you’re talking to someone that went out of their way to not watch or absorb

It got the boot to “Rebel Propaganda” or something more or less the instant the other show called Clone Wars was announced.

Yeah but they’re not trying to fool you about The Marvels, right?  Like that’s a different set of people.  Fool you once, t’fulma you can’t be fooled again.

Who the heck is “they” in that scenario? Marvel and BBC Wales, together at last?

I hope we also get a scene where she accidentally wears her comic book outfit, sees herself in a mirror, and says “Aw hell no” in ASL.

They probably mean the ones starring Dick Purcell from 1944.  Or no wait the ones starring Reb Brown from 1979.