
Oh that’s bad all right, but for my money the Hapan Roofie Gun being the reason that Han and Leia are married is the dumbest thing that ever happened in the EU, and that’s counting stuff like the Sun Crusher and Gantoris’ triple length extendable rainbow lightsaber.

That silhouette shot for the headline image looks eerily like a Gamorrean Guard.

That’s fine, as long as some fool and their money were parted, I’m not particular.

It’s hot trash though, remember that it opens with Han getting his hands on something called the Hapan Gun of Command, which shoots away the free will of its target, basically rendering them an obedient slave until it wears off, and he USES IT ON LEIA to trick her into going to Dathomir with him, because he is jealous

Aw no Marisa Tomei cameo?  It was her first movie!  She played “background gym lady in towel” or something.

I always forget she was in Galaxies. My big pride and joy is a pair of original theatrical release posters for the two Ewok movies (one got a European release in theaters, took me a while to get it).

Who gives a shit?

In EU canon, the men basically stayed in villages.  The leader of the bad ones was even Palpatine’s ex-girlfriend, Gethzerion.

Weird, in all the times I’ve been there I’ve never felt especially like I ought to get up and go bond with the rich guys a few tables over.

Man I miss when AV Club would actually do the worst costume round ups instead of just being paid to shill for whatever.  This sort of thing used to get roasted, now I’m being told “Hell yeah, go buy a bunch of White Castle, dress as a White Castle billboard, and head to a party to shill some White Castle.  Thank God I

Morgan is not technically the first live action human Nightsister. That dubious honor goes to Charal, the witch lady that could use her magic ring to turn into a crow in Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, released in like 1986 (theatrically even albeit very limited). She was dubbed a nightsister by 90s series wrecker Kevin

So wookieepedia has this big tab at the top of most articles that shows either Canon or Legends. One is the currently official story, the other is based on no longer official stuff like the 90s novels, various TV shows, videogames, the holiday special, and even the two theatrically released Ewok movies of the mid-80s.

Yeah, the story that came out about Solo, where Lord and Miller were guilty of “letting the actors improv a little” in the eyes of the Kasdan family, so they had to go and be replaced by nice safe Ron Howard is the best example for my money.  That movie was never gonna be amazing, but it might have at least been

No no, THEY don’t talk about Bruno.  We can.

You know what would be a whole lot cooler than FFVII having some stuff that references Chrono Trigger?

Having some new Chrono Trigger.

It’s fine, he clearly just based him on the old Something Awful meme of this guy called “Eggman.” Why here!  Here is the very Eggman himself!

Oh hey, was that Dana Snyder?  Master Shake himself?

Oh you’re absolutely right, he’d be great.  He was apparently the host of the last season of This Is Not Happening, which was like a themed stand up story show.  He took over from Ari Shaffir.

What point are you trying to make right now? Your question was “When was the last time they used Mickey for anything more than a trademark” not “and also to my weird standards I’ll disclose when I realize it was months ago.”

Hasn’t he had one already?  Granted I think it was some “He introduces clips of stand up comedians” thing.