
In that picture he kinda looks like one of those forward facing dolphins from Super Mario World.

That was a great way to get out of saying “I tortured some lady” the show took, yeah.

Hell Obi-Wan was a great choice, but Yoda they’ve gone ahead and basically said the whole dang species is force-sensitive, his family doesn’t even matter. We’ve seen three of those, and we’ve seen three jedi ones.

Granted that also means that all Cereans, Nautolans, and Quermians are force-sensitive too, but those are

As good as the best Pizza Hut delivery I’ve ever had?  Awful?

A good time.

So the gag was basically that you went to a hog roast, which is where hogs are roasted, and were served hog, smoked, which is not roasted.  But a roast is also a term for a type of comedian gathering at which a celebrity who is being celebrated sits and is insulted about their life.  Also I have COVID and was super

The thing that’s bothered me about this show so far is just “when did Ahsoka decide to go back to the order?”  Like the last we saw of her was her basically flipping the bird to the whole enterprise and setting off to do something real.  Now she’s quietly saying “Yes?” when people call her “the esteemed Jedi” and

I recently had to give up sugar, and basically quickly realized when I did that ketchup is just vinegar/sugar/salt sauce, that there are a LOT of those sauces, and that we’ve sort of arbitrarily assigned some of them as either classy or cheap.  I miss them all about equally.

Wait, so was it smoked or roasted? Or wait, it was a smoked hog and then you spent 90 minutes telling jokes about it’s career failures and tiny dick.

Runner up moment for me still feels like it had to be an extremely dry joke, it was Hollywood telling some contest making an ice cream cake thing that he thought peanut butter and grape jelly sounded like a dodgy, untested combination that wouldn’t pay off.

One of my favorite head slap moments in show history is when the challenge was “Make an American style pie” and it immediately cut to Paul in confessional format saying “What the contestants don’t know is I hate American pies and think they’re trash so if they want to win this they’ll need to make a proper British

You know what?  You’re absolutely right.

My favorite bit was when Giulani admitted he lied about those two in court, then ran full tilt to social media to claim he didn’t admit to anything.  Really just put it in full view that he’ll say whatever as long as he’s not currently in a court.

I know how lawsuits work but I really wish they worked different so they didn’t have to include so many adjectives. Like instead of saying “This event gave me emotional troubles, depression, shock, paranoia, anxiety, hot flashes, and light to medium despondence” it could just be “This event got me struck by goddamn

BG3 is doing some of that a little too. Tell anyone from Baldur’s Gate that you’re also from there and they’ll immediately be all “Well... whattaya know... guess we ran in different circles. Let’s be done with that conversation, okay?”

Given that Dahl did modify his work (he changed the Oompa-Loompas to match the 1971 movie instead of just straight up being African pygmies, in 1973) that sort of seems like a slight. I guess maybe Anderson didn’t know?

I’ll be honest, I figured this was a standard AV Club typo, not a correctly quoted line from a Greek speaking dude.

She understood “that was needed”? Not “what was needed”?  Both are functional sentences but one makes it sound like the director was worried that Stone would be too silly to realize how imperative her getting her tits out post-haste was.

Giancarlo Esposito for Clock King, thanks.

Ooh I can help. You got it from a tired, weary old joke about how MTV doesn’t play music videos anymore that has now been around longer than the actual time that MTV played music videos.