
Oh you can’t spoil it for me. He gets offed by his own honor guard after assuming that he’d maintain their loyalty indefinitely. It was neat of Leia to figure out she was the Mal’ary’ush (or however that was spelled) but it was still just “You’re from an important bloodline” junk that has always tended to clutter up

You do not, in fact, have to hand it to predatory gacha shit.

I love Thrawn, but a schemic tactician is hardly unique here, it just looks that way when you don’t bring up Tarkin, Krennic, Gideon, those sorts of guys.

I thought the ending was sort of ambiguous, the space whales just trapped them both in a bubble and went to hyperspace, right?

Anyway I have no idea if that’s Ezra in there, that’s not even a theory of mine really.  I just think they want us to speculate that it might be, and that’s why they went with faceless

Oh that’s easy, the fruit code for all fruit is 4011.  It’s bananas, and they’re always the cheapest.

Oh and if it helps they’re almost certainly covering Marrok’s face and not letting him talk because they want us to guess that’s he’s mind-wiped Ezra Bridger.

So Corellia is where Han is from, and was featured heavily at the start of that movie they made about Han, including that it was a shipyard for the Empire. We’ve known Han was Corellian since 1977.

Not just lazy but way too late.  The leads sounded like they aged the worst 20 years of their lives.

I feel like it’s gonna be hard for anyone not to read the initial description of that guy as a douchebag without some proof that the profiles you were scrolling past were like “Confederate flag in background of picture of subject playing Battlefield 2 on computer perched on top of inverted laundry hamper, in field of

Hey now, that’s reductive. Sometimes it also means age of consent conservative.

Many years ago I was reading some Star Wars novel and the author used the adjective “Rabelaisian” which means “of a sort of big or earthy humor” but is named very directly for a French Renaissance author, and I was was thinking “I can get used to falcons or whatever, but namedropping Francois Rabelais is a little

Please, on a Star Wars scale? That’s not stupid. Stupid is learning that the Pegasus was designed as a collaboration between LucasFilm and Porsche, as part of a brand deal where Porsche could use this thing in commercials and also is was going to appear in not just what it was designed for (episode IX, though the

Fun story, Star Wars probably does have a Pegasus, or at least the myth. In Obi-Wan, there’s a scene where young Leia is sitting in a tree identifying ships as they leave Alderaan, and one of the ones she points out is an Incom Tri-Wing S-91x, otherwise known by the name “Pegasus Starfighter”.

Speaking as a gay ghost that died in 1614, I say the invention and distribution of newspapers in Strasbourg made everyone stupid forever, and not any particular thing before that, when people were all smart in my estimation. I am sure that this opinion will not simply be updated and repeated throughout history

Can the watch play Tetris?  My watch can play Tetris.

Star Wars doesn’t leave things open-ended.  Like how in Rise of Skywalker Finn definitely told Rey whatever the fuck was so important than he had to spend the whole movie shouting “REY!” at her while she was trying to do other stuff.  Oh wait, he didn’t?  His character just smiles and stands there at the end?  Dang.

I almost wish this shit was true instead of whiny conspiracy, because I would love for my Feeld profile to show me somewhat more down to earth people that are around my own early 40s age sometimes instead of endless waves of 20-somethings with nothing but bikini party on yacht photos.  I’m not hot or anything, so I

I know he predates her by like 15 years and has more illustrious writers and everything, but Vixen is just Animal Man but cooler, so...

Ah geeze, what would Trumpers say in this situation if it was reversed?  FALSE FLAG!  PSY OP!  LOCK HER UP!  RIGGED!

Hey that’s fine.  They could finally do something about the Eternals ending and have that giant hand rising up out of the ocean disturb the Midgard Serpent.  Give him a kaiju fight.