
I suppose it would be proof if I was ever really tempted to go do MRA asshole style reddit posts, but I’m not, so it isn’t.

I can’t wait for the rise of old toy jingles played in minor key for horror movies. All “I’m Mr. Bucket... buckets of fuuuuuuuuun” and shit.

How many times do we need to show that the camera stuff in footage like the Nimitz episode is exactly explained by just knowing that the cameras use really low angles and automatic but slightly judder-prone gimbal movements?  It’s like it takes people about 6 months to forget and then boom “LOOK A THIS SHIT” again. 

He’s gunning for that del Toro top slot of “I almost did a thing” directors. 

Ooh, Nintendo AND Switch, how classy!

Okay I’m obviously on the artist’s side, but a tarot that is noteworthy for being “open to interpretation?”  THAT’S ALL TAROT DECKS ARE.

The sexual harassment culture is wild to me because like why bother? He’s so rich he could hire a full time staff of prostitute butlers and live on an island just tweeting half-brained dad jokes forever, but instead he only wants to play in the sandbox that has lawsuits in it.

So Hollywood loses but directors of Hollywood films win?

Lazarus:  You Will Believe a Man Can Jump off of Stuff

Eh, the stuff by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson does super suck, but Chapterhouse Dune more or less shows that Frank Herbert wasn’t going to ... get better at writing Dune books.  The arc was bending towards bad either way.

Did he really need to look so emaciated?  Like I’m gonna be real with you, I didn’t 100% remember what Oppenheimer looked like and I don’t think I’d care if the guy playing him had some visible sandwiches in the front.

I assume him liking is why they keep trying.  There’s so many other Nintendo franchises lying fallow and you can always tell they have potential because people go ape-fucking-shit when they announce stuff from them.  Kid Icarus, Star Fox, Excite Bike, Earthbound... hell people still clamor to get the forgotten weirdo

I had to give up pizza for health reasons recently and if that albino floppy cave pizza is the future of it, good.


Epics from India just need a quick disclaimer on the box to let us know the percentage of the film that is actually about a wedding or spent in a ramshackle cop office.

It’s regional is what it is.  Wallen’s another country singer, caught yelling some racial slurs with his buds out on some street one night or something, had his song pulled off the radio and like a few store shelves, etc.  But he’s country, which meant his shithead fans took that as a challenge and made him 10 times

Oh good, he’ll be more famous that ever. The new Morgan Wallen “racist your way to fame” track is pretty well greased. 

If you had something more valuable to do, you’d be doing it.

You seem at least somewhat confused by the usage of the acronym. Lemme help you out.
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPPA - HIPAA, but spelled incorrectly

You largely see the latter in weird twitter arguments from creepy anti-vax idiots, which makes it a generally undesirable spelling to use,

You even spell out what HIPAA stands for before calling it HIPPA a bunch of times.  You know they aren’t two different things, right?  HIPPA is just HIPAA, spelled wrong.