
I don’t think it was a written interview with British Vogue.

No Branigan no sale.  Self Control and Gloria are both underrated karaoke bangers.

Good, that thing ate up so much development cost that should have gone into the rest of the park.  There were supposed to be more restaurants and like walkaround droids and stuff, and instead everything is static and the one restaurant just sells this nasty turkey wrap with a hot dog in it thing, they gotta work that

Oh. I was vaguely looking forward to reading that but “Roseanne Barr on Megyn Kelly” is a promise of ear poison I can’t endure. I hardly blame you for it just being a video, I wouldn’t want to actually have to watch it long enough to summarize either!

Oof yeah, I had encephalitis when I was a little kid, I was in the hospital for three weeks and my parents had like Make-A-Wish and stuff come to do meetings.  It was bleak.

Well I guess she hasn’t talked to my shitty boomer-ass dad then.

Oh no, Claire’s in need of saving?  I was really hoping she wouldn’t get kidnapped three or four more times.

I assume that he thinks there’s a difference between “being fired at the behest of hooting twitter lunatics” and “retiring from a position by choice.”  Dunno, that seems like a straightforward difference to me.

Oh man, I had totally forgotten how recasting made those movies not count as movies anymore.  I cry every tiem.

That would only last as long as current leadership.  Unions futureproof against the next guy being an austerity guy.

Lol no they aren’t. Here’s a short list of stupid things that have happened in Star Wars they can still reference:

Well not recently no. But they did state that the only requirement for apprenticeship that Grogu didn’t meet was “being old enough to talk” so presumably you can start that nonsense way early, and maybe Paz and Ragnar did that when Ragnar was like four or something.

I know they’re wrecking you in the QTs for not noticing that Axe shot out a window on the cruiser to escape before it crashed, but I’m partially on your side here, because that’s not a fucking window, it’s a transparisteel viewport on the bulkhead of a capital spaceship, supposedly hardened against emergencies, laser

It’s so they don’t have to pay a ton of Mando guest stars every episode.  Can’t have the Armor and Bo-Katan just idling in the background for three minutes every week.

I think you’re only a troll if anyone actually catches you defending ROS.  Gross.

Yeah, that’s the big trick here, he’s approaching term limits as governor in the state, I think it’s 2026, and if he thinks that Disney can’t just stall out legislation or tie up attempts to build a jail or whatever with lawsuits for three years for fun, he’s even crazier than we all already figured.

I couldn’t deal with their one nasty sauce so I’ve never really been into it.  Have a variety, you jags!  Also that place looks awful, I hope Post Malone never loves me because I don’t want to be covered in pepto bismol and Bill the Cat grade hairballs.

UN Squadron already has an anime series, it can’t be that far off that we get the anime movie.

Y’all have been whining about how the comic book movie bubble needs to pop already for like two years at AVC, this is just what that looks like.

I hope it’s voiced by Jon Hamm and keeps telling you to vomit.