
What I can’t wait for is the stage when the fans start adding facings in the candy wall by shoving adjacent product out of the way and shit.  Wal-Mart all having to have an employee stand in the aisle to stop weirdo fans from trying to please their internet idol by dumping the Hershey bars on the floor and all.  We

I guess that link goes to Shark Tale, the movie where Will Smith plays a tiny little fish?

I just hope he has them finally develop an app game that lets me play as all my favorite Final Fantasy characters from the rich history of the franchise in one party if I open enough gemboxes, and they can do meaningless battles that earn some sort of currency I don’t understand that refreshes once hourly unless I

No it isn’t, his stuff already got made a while ago, we don’t need his stuff to be made today. I can go buy Blazing Saddles if I want, it’s on the internet and everything!

Do you want the one with the mustache on?  Or off?

Actually I’d say the picture is perfect for the needs of the article and the movie.  It shows us that this dude has a great big face that’s perfect for gluing all sorts of prosthetics to.

The show was based on a misleading study from a long while ago.  They’ve got a lot of weird gene expressions but they’re as closely related to us as a lot of stuff.  It’s hard not to be.  We share like 50% of our genetic material with bananas.

Even setting aside how bonkers she is, she’s just an absolute dogshit actor.

Blade beat it to theaters by what, two years?

I’ve maintained for years that those movies are fine, that Schumacher was making exactly the sendup of 60s Batman through a gay club lens that he wanted to make, and that a lot of the early hate for them was rooted in some deep-seated homophobia that was just more okay to go on TV and yell about at the time.

Well there was only two MCU entries in the bests and the writeups for both were concerned with how after Civil War the MCU was “expanding too fast” as well, so whatever the hell that axe the author is grinding away at would seem to be the reason.

So anyone got one of these apologies he used to do lying around?  I wanna see one.

I’ll pay an extra dollar in my taxes for every pound of Reagan parts they can carry out of the solar system entirely.

A local moral rule,
Follow or be a fool,
That’s a more.

Minor pet peeve to what looks like an upscaled Saints Row 4, but they kept pronouncing it “Luther” when it’s goddamn “Luthor.”

This is their actual career, they’re cam models.  The writer just failed to notice this was porn advertising for the kind of guy that says woke the way old telegrams said stop.

Grats, you found some Onlyfans twitter ads. Air Mattress Maddy is always ready, you know, for $14.99 a month, see, check out her twitter ( ). This took two seconds to figure out, I suppose I am become investigative journalist.

I don’t want people learning lessons from Andor, because the lessons learned will be the same as we’ve seen for 30 years of Batman movies now.  “Edgier. Grittier!  Darker!  The characters say fuuuuuuuuck! Don’t put in any cool aliens or space battles because that’s not STREET LEVEL!” and so on.  The show was good

So in order to play it in under eight hours, all you have to do is play it for hours and hours until you’re really good at it!

I know it’s actually good.

Consider the counter argument.