
I started around what, 1995?

Guys I accidentally a vagina is that bad?

My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?

I still can’t figure out the appeal of the RWBY style, that movie looks like I have to watch it fifteen times to try and unlock the 5 star Superboy.

I assume we focus on Ivy without Harley in season 4 because the writers realized that the “Harley I would like a small event” “I pretend I do not hear Ivy because I would like a large event!” has run its course now.

A TV show?  Even the movies can’t afford to show the monsters all that much, what’s this gonna do?  Whole season where they find a toenail?  Or the more predictable “Wow these MONARCH agents sure have complicated family drama going on” route?

Basically if we just keep being nice to her while she campaigns politically and spends gobs of money on horrible bigotry, she’ll eventually tucker herself out.  I think that’s the idea?

Or for someone else to have one, I guess, since there’s a whole lane at this thing dedicated to postmates type stuff.

Phase 4 also had a few team-ups or crossovers, yeah? Thor/GOTG, Spider-Man/Strange, Strange/Wanda, and if you count TV, Falcon/Winter Soldier/Wakanda stuff, Yelena/Hawkeye. It didn’t have an Avengers movie or a Civil War, but not every phase does.  Phase 4 seems to have been about two things: Dealing with the losses

It’s not that weird.  The last film of Phase 2 was... Ant-Man.

Judy and Nick have already retired to start a PI firm, it’ll be fine.

You could also replace Animal Man with Vixen if you wanted less white dudes in your roster.

Yeesh I tapped out at three.  What if BATMAN WAS THE JOKER, even if the comics were pretty good, is just the most boring ass shit that a company that we’re already sorta mad at for just making Batman and Joker shit over and over again for decades, could possibly do.

I think the thing that bothers me here the most is dragging Miss Marvel into this, as if by association I’m supposed to think “Well, this show has to be as good as that one if the protagonist is at least as brown if not browner!” Except that Miss Marvel is a crazy good adaptation of a character I would have thought

It’ll never happen for some reason, but I want those Final Fantasy pixel remasters to show up on Switch already.

I sorta wanted to know why Renaissance was being billed as a queer album but not enough to ask in a comment because that’d invariably come off sarcastic, so I went and looked it up and damn, okay. The article I read laid it out really well for the most part, the only mistake being leading with “It sounds a lot like

Pretty sure Blac Chyna is helping some space orc steal the power from Wicket and Cindel. Or maybe she’s a Necromonger, whichever is less memorable.

Who would pay for that when you can just drive through Jacksonville for free?

I skip the .gif debate by calling them “graphic ifs” which people apparently hate even more.  This is how I win.