I know! That’s what I was saying. That it’s a disappointment that so many people took WandaVision to include a redemption arc in addition to a villain arc. It didn’t! It’s just a villain origin story. Hell, it’s two villain origin stories.
I know! That’s what I was saying. That it’s a disappointment that so many people took WandaVision to include a redemption arc in addition to a villain arc. It didn’t! It’s just a villain origin story. Hell, it’s two villain origin stories.
Yes, let’s have an honest discussion. So there he was, being chased by brainless zombies carrying pride flags, getting paid by chuds... oh no wait, that’s the serious discussion he is currently having.
Something like 8% of electable seats in the country are competitive, thanks to gerrymandering. This notion that they’re providing rope to hang themselves with is terminally old fashioned.
No, it’s even easier, basically your account on steam is already linked and so the system can tell you’re in the room, at a certain point when you’ve watched enough or whatever it just flags that you did the thing and the item is added to your account.
That’s debatable just because “generic” is such a meaningless term in context. Greyhawk is the oldest D&D setting and the one that hews closest to what the earliest PHBs and stuff were presenting, but in terms of being generic, very few D&D games actually have anything resembling Greyhawk stuff in them, since it was…
I wanted to see Fishburne up in a chair. Strange all “Is that... Bill Foster? Giant Man?”
That’s only if you buy that the show’s end was her coming to terms with grief and not just deciding that Westview wasn’t worth dealing with all the witches and SWORD agents and rebellious robot husbands anymore now that she had the Darkhold.
I don’t think so. I think towards the end of WandaVision he started to rebel against her control and insist she release her fantasy. I think he went right on her shit list after that and she doesn’t really care about Visions anywhere. Wanda may spend the whole movie talking about getting her kids back but that seems…
I think the trick is that WandaVision convinced everyone that she was remorseful and didn’t mean to be a villain. I don’t believe it. I think she only abandoned Westview because it became apparent that witches and SWORD agents were gonna keep showing up and ruining things. She also realized pretty fast her goal was…
The TVA doesn’t care about time travel unless that time travel creates more Kangs. They pretend it’s because all time travel is bad, but they don’t actually care about anything but stopping more Kangs.
Yeah, that was my #1 pick for the BP2 villain as well. But honestly a lot of that was going to be about the clash of ideologies between two super leaders and now that Boseman has died and they aren’t recasting the role I dunno if I still want that.
Saw a clip of a guy once literally claiming it wasn’t a pyramid, because those point up, his scheme was a dimaryp.
Well, we know Will Poulter is in it as Adam Warlock, maybe he forgot that Will was announced.
A dude with a show where desperate hurt women called in and he ripped into them for stereotypes and blamed their problems on them? I guess the real shame here is he didn’t take Dr. Laura Schlesinger with him when he went.
That’s possible, I suppose she could be up on that Nick Fury space station running SWORD, but I kinda doubt they’d do that, since “Where were you when Maria was sick and dying alone? Off beating up aliens?” is probably going to account for like 55% of the drama in The Marvels.
I know the Nazi->Hydra pipeline might be considered tenuous (it isn’t) but Erskine was a German. Not a Nazi. Sort of a poor choice of example, wouldn’t you say?
Is it assumed that Maria Rambeau will appear alongside Carol in Marvels? I mean I assume she’ll be in flashbacks but otherwise she died of lung cancer during the blip.
I think we’re going to find out that that isn’t the Captain Carter from the What If episodes and instead Captain Carter is just a thing that’s as likely to happen as Captain Rogers over enough universes. The jetpack was a different touch for one thing, and for another Marvel has already confirmed that the Captain…
Nah, every one of those agreements was different and with different studios. Like the FF rights required Fox to make efforts to make an FF movie every five years, but the Spider-Man rights are just permanently sold to Sony. The Hulk and Namor rights are at Universal and they’re effectively permanent, but the thing…
The Namor rights are supposedly very similar to the Hulk rights, as in they can use Namor all they want but if the movie is called “Namor” then distribution rights go to Universal Studios. It’s more likely that Namor wasn’t on the Illuminati because they don’t want to introduce him here when he’s already the villain…