
It’s also got that painful scene where he tries to dissect thought leaders who are being mean by pointing out that second-gen Waterhouse had plenty of advantages in gaining early access as an internet programmer, while second-gen Waterhouse smugly thinks they’re all “hobbits” and he’s a “dwarf” because he actually

Even the MMO stuff stank of “author has never actually seen an MMO, just heard of the concept” because it did all that “This one person is the best MMO player in the world and has secret stuff they’ve unlocked that only they ever can or will” which describes no MMO that has ever or will ever exist.

Probably “ah good, the money people will fund the show now that we have a name actor attached.” It’s like that time that Johannson wanted to play a trans man character, and as soon as she got shamed out of it, the production halted because the production was funded entirely by “Scarjo is in this.”

Don’t get me wrong,

Adebayo is Waller’s daughter!  (So she probably has a bomb in her head she doesn’t know about but the butterflies do)

She absolutely had all the stuff about aliens in there. It was so she could throw him under the bus for killing a bunch of people (who actually were aliens) after the op was over.

Opal City.

Yes, what is the point of apologizing.  It certainly isn’t to show contrition.

Well hey by then maybe there still won’t be any PS5s in stores.

San Diego, baybee!  Fish tacos and California burritos abound!

Man Cad Bane came out weird looking. Like Duros already were around in Star Wars live action stuff as background characters, and he doesn’t look like them, he looks like a new species based entirely off how Duros looked in the stylization of the cartoon show. Like the equivalent of Ezra Bridger showing up as a live

“Why recruit settlers when you could just go hire from the cantinas full of muscle?” “They blew up Garsa Fwip’s place.”

Like even beliefs aside, how hard is it for politicians and pundits and celebrities to just stick to the simple rule that absolutely nothing is like the holocaust?

He’d probably look a little taller if he ironed his shirt and threw out the flowbee.

Hate that phrasing.  It’s her own goddamn baby.  Just say she’s pregnant and he’s the father, the headline reads like she’s a locker in a train station or something.

Here’s thirty dollars, go buy a bacon.

In addition to everything else he did wrong, now I find out Hitler somehow has the title of history’s blackest?  That feels like the vote must have been rigged somehow.

I don’t really drink much either.  I have the occasional hard cider and that’s it for me.  So I’d be fine with a soda and a conversation.  I met him a while back at a Spike and Mike’s festival in San Diego and always wanted to ask a bunch of questions about style parodies.

Maybe just lean a little harder on the dead part of dead or alive.

Oh Weird Al for sure.

Splitting Magus off into a second character instead of just “Evil Adam Warlock” maybe?