Rillak is pretty obviously at least part Cardassian, have they brought that up at all yet? Having Michael yell at her for doing stuff in a vaguely Cardassian way feels off.
Rillak is pretty obviously at least part Cardassian, have they brought that up at all yet? Having Michael yell at her for doing stuff in a vaguely Cardassian way feels off.
He’s 6'2. Ask women and they will tell you they all have a weird friend who will do any manner of ridiculous shit for 6'2.
He did ask a stunt coordinator to tear gas him (and by extension a bunch of extras) so he could cry better. Other than that, whatever. Though I’d get fired from my jobs if I did shit like jump off high places when I didn’t need to there, they don’t want that insurance risk.
Based on what was in Glass, he’s making them for like 70 dollars, so he almost certainly kicks up surprisingly reasonable profits.
She was apparently up for the Xialing role and passed on it.
That’s really more an indictment of Sharlayan cuisine than an example of how wrong Alisae is. In the same conversation she apologizes for how much the local cuisine sucks. All bland and based entirely on nutritional value and stuff.
Never. Not one of these “one day one the price is stupid” deals is worth it, because of the human element. 5000 people lining up for a three hour wait for a free small slurpee. Krispy Kreme with a drive through line that wraps around the block twice. If I want a whopper, I value my freakin’ time, so I’ll just go when…
Rumor mill has been pretty adamant that even if they bring over some of the actors, none of the story will come with them. Kingpin would be a new version of the character. Hell, I keep reading that the plan for MCU Kingpin is to CGI him up a little so he’s bigger.
Which celebrity chef was like “Oh, interesting high end suggestions of food to expand horizons in a gift crate? Well, I picked up these insouciant delectable little Hormel pepperonis at a charming little grocer named after the owner, Ralph, during my last visit to sunny Naples. No, the one in Florida. You can use…
Pretty old! For example, I remember when Jeff Garlin said “Booooner. I’m getting fiiiiiiiiiiiired” in a stand up routine one time. Honestly, it’s my favorite bit of his. I’d link it but it was about him sneaking into a baseball announcer booth and messing with the mic, but now he’s all old and famous so all the…
The cactus’ English tune, Semi-Charmed Life, was considered perfectly acceptable.
Hey now, I didn’t say I don’t like Bennett, I’m just saying it looks like Smulders retroactively got lucky.
Literally can’t tell which fold on that ugly thing is supposed to be the mouth.
Looks like a folded over gumboot chitin. They’re normally from intertidal zones so this one might have been washed out and mangled by depth and recovery from that depth.
She didn’t die in Avengers, so she could still show up in nice lucrative films. Worked in her favor, they are 100% for sure never bringing anything from AoS back into continuity, so she’s still getting dat MCU money while Chloe Bennett is shame-walking away from being a Powerpuff Girl.
Reed thinks he’s so smart, but he can’t even spell hypnotize right in his own speech bubbles. Pitiful earthling.
Generally she kept her religion discovery away from her couple of larger series, except for Memnoch the Devil, the one where Lestat hangs around with Satan and drinks Jesus blood and stuff. It’s genuinely weird. Later she found god even harder and started writing books with no vamps or witches at all, just regular…
I wonder how crazy they’re willing to go with this. Are we gonna find out that the spirit is the ghost of a member of an idyllic race of almost people that lived on a magic island? Do we get that Julien guy who fathered children by his sister, her daughter, and her granddaughter?
Everyone who worked at that KB blipped, so clearing it out was a legal gray area. Boom solved.