
I keep thinking about ghost kitchens and to me they seem like being the line cooks at a Taco Bell or whatever minus the worst thing about an actual Taco Bell, customers.  I’ve never worked fast food but I spent years at Trader Joe’s and I can’t imagine a nicer sounding day of work there than one where no customers

Boy oh boy I can’t wait to hear why all the hard to include aliens only show up in background shots most of the time. “Oh uhh, all the Salarians and Turians are having a big tea party with the Krogans, so quit asking. Just nice easy Asari and Quarians on this Normandy!”  “What about the Drell?”  “Please, even EA

What if it stars fraternal twins?

Neither, Super Mario Super Show ended (and started) in 1989, meaning he did all his Mario work 32 years ago.

So 7 1/3rd 44 minute episodes, featuring about 26 seconds of Ghost Rider.  Sorry, my bad.

All the ones that lasted a while have varying quality levels that make it hard to judge them.  Like yeah, AoS had highlights, but they also had a whole season about Ghost Rider that featured like 26 seconds of Ghost Rider footage.  Jessica Jones seasons 2 and 3 were plodding wastes of everyone’s time, and Daredevil

He’s just not very funny.  I mean I don’t think that’s killing the show or emblematic of the current show as a whole or anything larger.  He just isn’t very funny.  Maybe him constantly doing wheezy regional British accents is funnier to British folks, I dunno.

She’s gonna learn that yes she can do that.

From the moment I heard this was coming my biggest apprehension would be too much focus on the extremely gross Lowes.  Sounds like I was right to be concerned and keep my Netflix sub turned off for a while yet.

I mean Picard at least wouldn’t start being all laughy and flopsweaty about it.  He’d just say “Queen is another simile or metaphor” then list two humans and an alien that are famous for that.  “In the vein of Oscar Wilde, Mae West, and Glintharp of Daisemia!”

I love that they knew full well that can’t come at the Nintendo king, so they made the first feature they even mention voice acting so they can at least kick Nickelodeon off whatever acclaim it tried for.  Just round one “We are willing to spend an insane amount of money to put Reptar in his place.”

Thousands of dollars?

Doesn’t prove much.  Could be Venom that’s been digitally removed, or hell, any MCU character they don’t want to spoil yet.  Ant-Man could be landing that punch and not even be removed.

Scorpions aren’t insects, fix that headline! They’re arachnids.

You’re just talking about where to put the goalposts.  It’s not especially interesting.  Critical acclaim, money, or both. 

She made that claim while still a total amnesiac and then when she gets her own memories back later she realizes she’s Chinese and from Singapore.  I guess maybe there’s a claim to be made that casting Latine for the role is bad, but Roma doesn’t really enter into it, beyond I suppose people getting mad at her for

I’m not gonna speculate on what they’d do different if it was Lizzie, because it wasn’t, and they never refused to try anything she made to my knowledge.

I mean, the moment of recognition was the shot of it happening, a music sting, and then Jurgen’s line. Sausage rolls are pretty sturdy (and Jurgen’s were pretty lumpy from the jump), so the fall didn’t do any visible outward damage to them, and for them to say something like “Clearly this set was dropped” would read

One of the most regular things on this show is the forgiveness of physical accidents. A cake topper falls off or something falls on the ground, we usually get the baker hemming and hawing a little and the judges pointing it out, being apologetic, and then everyone moving on. It makes sense from a logistics standpoint,

A pandemic? Covid doesn’t come from floors.