
Whoa whoa whoa, the murder statue is Asian.  I’m not making my child do an appropriation.

Dance with the Dead - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company - The Dead South
Dancing at the Zombie Zoo - Tom Petty
Pretty much the entirety of The Aquabats vs. The Floating Eye of Death

So Jankem Pog is a Tellarite, right?  Do they explain why and how he’s in the Delta quadrant?

This is hardly weird.  Basilosaurus means “King Lizard” but it was a whale.

Spiro is serious business.  I’m not trans but I was put on it for a blood pressure emergency (I have a rare adrenal gland cancer that causes them to spike my BP to cocaine overdose levels) and I started growing sensitive tits in like a month.  Took a while to get that fixed.

Their blubber tends to arrange itself in tubelike structures. You always see the big pair of tubes down the bottom towards the tail, they make the whole whale look like an inverted canoe or something, but when they curl up all that blubbler just folds and blobbles the skin up.  I used to wrok with them at a Sea World


On other sites I’ve read they’re saying the review bombing is at least in some part a brigading effort by people mad the film has gay characters in it.  So hey, if that’s right, it’d be a shame to not have mentioned it.

I just saw a genuine complaint about this on twitter, someone was pissed that Bill Murray saying he was in a Marvel movie counted as a spoiler that will ruin the movie.  I love that we’ve hit the point in spoiler culture where even know that an actor will be in a film, even if we don’t know the character they’re

I wish all his previous projects had been as pointlessly destructive as the NFT market.  All every day he worked on Twin Peaks he had to burn down 500 trees and slap a video card out of a kid’s hands.

Modern Lorne Michaels?  It’s gonna be Rudy Giuliani and his No Collusion Players or something.

Yeah, my first thought here is someone else from Hank Pym’s old orbit.  Maybe a retired Cyclone or something.

I just hope we get a bewildering array of background costume weirdos for at least one stage.  Just all Fred Gwynne from Pet Sematary next to a bunch of White Walkers and the Herculoids.

This feels like a review of a lot of stuff. Does the movie contain any Variants? Like is Kang in this? Then why the dig about Marvel needing to issue glossaries. Did you spend a portion of the movie wondering if the big CGI string dogs were probably alternate-timeline Kangs because they both have names that end in

Would you still be rooting for the MCU to fail if you knew Daredevil’s cancellation was a Netflix call and not a Disney one?  It was a pretty standard Netflix cancellation, their metric only cares about new subscribers, and the Marvel shows had already had their sub generation impact a few years back.  Disney was all

No, they’re just eternally dead now.

Edit: I saw below you didn’t double down on this, so nevermind.  No need to pile on.

It’s been more than just this most recent episode, basically. All the episode so far has leaned heavily on “Meanwhile Giuseppe is somehow still Italian! Let’s all go look at the Italian man!  Hey Giuseppe, you’re Italian!

I am ready for this show to be about something other than where Jurgen and Giuseppe are from.  I swear, it’s like 90% of what anyone has to say.

Oh thank goodness.  I was worried she might be some angel.