
i have an xbox360 and a ps3. i rarely play the ps3 anymore cuz the 360 just seems better at pretty much.. well.. everything.. sans the bd drive but i stream most of my content now anyway off the zune video marketplace... and yeah the firmware updates on the ps3 are frequent and usually slow - and why does the ps3

@teh1andonlym0: mainstream is what a lot of us try to stay away from. keep it underground yo

hmm starcraft.. usually equals nerd, which = android. prly the first time venturing out of moms basement.

eh. im gonna call bs on this. seems there are too many "odd" or improbable/impractical things going on here on apples end. and to redesign a phone that fast seems like it would be expensive enough to not really get any gain from. the iphone is still selling ridiculously.

$530 for an aging phone?

:49 of pure awesome.

man i haven't been able to pick up my pre-order yet... stupid long work hours.

putting iOS4 on my 3g actually ended up accelerating my purchase of an iphone 4. i really liked the features of os4 but hated the performance i got on the 3g. haha i guess what they're hoping for. its def snappy on the ip4 for sure tho.

@Squalor: yeah. i have yet for the antenna issue to actually present itself as a problem for me.

@Benedinho: i've had mine for a few weeks now. i really do love it. its also very quick and snappy ;)

i keep reading this as "burger blaster" and it makes me laugh.

@qballdz: california has charging stations on the side of the freeways.

@Sidetalker: ah didn't see it. at work so just kinda skimming thru

this is cool! anyone know if they have something like this for iphone?

@hahn: i don't. i think you're putting words into my mouth. i initially was annoyed that someone with seemingly no credentials at all, made such a matter of fact statement based on the definition of a word and acted intolerable of such a post based on what he assumed to be correct. the truth of the matter is that

@hahn: i never said "thats cool bro". my only point is that i'll take the word of a physicist over some jackass dropping short sighted retorts based on a simple and possibly inaccurate definition of a word that we don't even fully understand.

@BigManMalone: you need a higher soapbox? lets leave this one to the big boys, so you don't hurt yourself. ;)