Syphilitic Scalia Says

“We have to put ourselves in the shoes of the people who were fighting at that time,” he added.

Lynch him and his supporters.

Bang your monkey Sac Town!

Should have thrown blood

Butter emails

Anyone calling for civility in this moment is overflowing with privilege and must be put in their place the ground.

Schumer is great as a city councilman from an outlying suburb of Jerusalem, since he has always been an Israel Firster. He doesn’t give a shit about America as long as it provides money for Israel and blocks votes in the UN.

Trump Russia

Bolduan is right. Too much to say. White Nationalist is five syllables. Call Miller a Nazi. Two syllables. Everyone knows what you mean.

‘Well Jake, I’m going to tell ya. Go fuck yourself. You, and your boss, and that hideous tie, and Trump, and the kid downstairs that short changed me on my coffee. The nerve of him!”

Well, he was the former head of the Office of Govt Ethics, so I will defer to his knowledge of the subject.

Hey, the choice is: leave the restaurant on your own two feet or take a shovel to the head and we’ll carry you to a shallow grave. Chose or lose!

These legal aid folks need to teach these kids to kneel during the pledge and remain silent.

So how soon until she goes back to being a high paid escort?

He saw it on Fox & Friends and that was his call to action. Droopy Eye McManHands mentioned “potus” in her little lying tweet and he never said a word bc he doesn’t read/use that account.

I’ll see what I can do. Since the Admin is changing so fast, it may be hard to find something that is close to up to date.

He lost interest in it right away because it didn’t say Trump enough.

Maybe his family was (secretly) hoping he’d get got in what was once known as “The Murder Capital of America.”

I actually think somebody has made these cards. I’ll see if I can find the link.

As of 2013 stats I could find really quickly, there are almost twice as many AA cops as White cops. Kessler cannot expect to find aid and comfort there.