Syphilitic Scalia Says

Open carry is illegal in DC and the cops aren’t the racist white trash of the Civil Rights era.

Kessler is going to regret trying to hold a rally in DC when he and his Nazi pals realize that DC does not allow open-carry. And that the MPD (DC police department) is no longer the almost all white/racist force is was 50 years ago. Unlike the Charlottesville cops who stood aside and enabled the Nazis, MPD could turn

Man, I bet you Trump hadn’t run the Trump Shuttle business into the ground due to him being a bumbling clusterfuck. He could transport all those kids and charge the government for it too. Make some money. SAD!

I should text him “Your relatives that died in the camps are so disappointed in you right now.”

What if no one will sell him a new phone?

Damn foreign child crisis actors, coming here and taking jobs from American child crisis actors. Sad!

And he refused to prosecute war criminals in the Bush Administration (now we know why) and enabled Wall Street and Big Banks to keep fucking us over. I liked the guy but these are things I can never get past.


Ol’ Kristjen “Nazi see Nazi do” Nielsen is right in one regard. Congress can change the law that created DHS: collapse it, defund it, and send the absolute fucking worst people in the world packing.

(Pictured: Three fucking wastes of skin that should be pushed into a wood chipper at the first available opportunity.)

The only verifiable cases of voter fraud in the past 18 years have been Republicans.


“This coffee may be hot? Oh McDonald’s, you’ve punked me before.” (Chungs hot coffee, burns lips) “Hey, what was that?”

What the fuck is up with the adjective “beautiful” being added to everything? He wouldn’t know beautiful if it bit him in the ass.

I just always associated SI with hiring the best regardless of race, sex and other factors.

Be honest. She is really just Stephen Miller in a wig.

Stephen Miller, Minister of Nazi Walks

Stelter, that big bald fuck, can go blow it out his ass. He is a hack and a piece of shit who just wants to cozy up to whomever is in power.

“Can confirm this is true.” - Every contractor in Atlantic City that ever did work for Trump.

Amazon, if you got Prime. (Trump would hate knowing you got it there.)