Syphilitic Scalia Says
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I should have known something was up when CNN introduced Kudlow under this intro song

“Then there is hacking which one of my own personal accounts has suffered recently,”

Yeah mean Joe Manchin should be repeatedly smacked with a large mallet, for starters.

Somewhere, Tom Price is saying “I quit my job as head of HHS over some fucking airline flights?!?!?

“If you’re involved in a sort of slimy business, (that) says something about you — says something about how far you’ll go to make money,” Giuliani told CNN.

Pence can’t wait to go so he can sample all that Canadian horse cock.

Some folks from Nation of Islam should show up to the dinner. His dotard head will fucking explode.

Trump’s team may be a bunch of wingnut racists but frankly Trump is the sort of guy who will happily say the Shahada if someone kissed his ass hard enough.

And don’t forget the porn star and stripper “lap dance” area. You know, for the kids.

Does Singapore have an extradition treaty with Hungary? Asking for a friend.

Grenell did Nazi this backlash coming.

The top 100 hit in the WH today:

Congratulations soldiers of any of these units:

Christ....Trump sucks so bad. I hate him. GO BIR...wait a minute. Kellyanne Methhead, that deflated circus balloon who lies for the Trump admin on TV all the time, is a fan of the Eagles. If I cheer for the Eagles, I cheer with Methhead. If I don’t cheer for the Eagles, I cheer with the Traitor. Fucking Sophie’s

Thoughts and Prayers to her spawn.

Imagine Scott Pruitt’s tired old body, a thin layer of sweat on his pale skin, sinking into a Trump Home Luxury Plush, the Euro Pillow Top already coated with untold dozens of individuals’ skin particles.

Remember, Cruz is in a close re-election race against (squints at screen) an old Betamax machine. He’ll do anything to get his voters excited. It’s like the unpopular kid buying everybody ice cream. No, they don’t like you Jimmy. They like ice cream.

If it were still up and running I’d say check backpage and see if she is working again.

Shit. That reference would get at least two stars if I could give them. But alas I can only give one.