Syphilitic Scalia Says

This deserves more love.

“And Jesus said unto them ‘Fuck them all, but the browns and the poors especially. I got mine, so suck it bitches.’” Luke 6:7-8 (New New New American Evangelical Version)

Those cocksuckers in The Gestapo ICE needed to do something with all those extra Live Strong bracelets...

Fuck all these corporate Democrat whores. They can all eat a bag of shriveled, limp dicks.

Can’t wait until them strike an Impeachment Coin

“Racist bag of gluten free flour Toenail Lawry...”

It was pro-choice and she was booted from The Blaze.

Well, the upside is you learned which set of pearls looks good with olive drab.

“Five, six wait seven time Nobel in Failure winner Donald Trump...”

How come every article about Stephen Miller doesn’t start off with “Failed Joseph Goebbels cosplayer and Nazi ghoul Stephen Miller...”

Has someone check Meghan for brain cancer yet?

Would somebody please ask Maggie Habberman that the next time she is so far up Trump’s ass, she also keep a look out for my dirt bike I lost when I was ten? I’ve looked everywhere I can think of, so in Trump’s rectal cavity is the next most logical place.

I don’t recall Ken Starr “going dark” on the Whitewater investigation when the midterms and the second presidential election rolled around during the Clinton Administration. But then again, Twitter didn’t exist at the time.

How about the animal in her family that supports and befriends pedophilia enthusiasts?

“Leave ICE ALONE!!!1!!

What a dick-less wonder. I spent real quality time trying to craft that reference.

Thanks for deleting my perfectly good blowjob joke. I spent a full twenty minutes agonizing if I should reference Michael Milton in the comment or just refer to him as “wife’s lover from World According to Garp” because honestly, I am not sure how many people would get that reference.

Actually, only brain dead American’s pronounce it as “Cutter.” Natives, like the guys in my apartment building senior year of college, pronounce more along the lines of “Kah-tar.”

Who in Christ’s name thought that carpeting the floors of the Metro car was a smart idea? fans at the games don’t have to pay for cabs or wait for buses or otherwise figure out a way to make it back to their beds where they can cry themselves to sleep over their team’s inevitable playoff losses.