Syphilitic Scalia Says

If you go to work at Fox, and past is prologue, biting what you are fed will end up with somebody being like the Garp’s wife’s lover.

Why is Sarah Huckabilly Sanders showing up in these memes?

How long until Pence is indicated as part of the Russia Collusion probe? Motherfucker is dirty as all get out.

Is it just me, or does Hannity look like a guy in a Lifetime movie of the week who would be listed in the credits as “Rapist #3"?

Obama was learning how to say in just the right way “From way downtown...bang.”

Soon after the football club Beitar Jerusalem changed it’s name, it immediately declared bankruptcy four times and sexually assaulted multiple women.

Well, bullets are made by corporations, and corporations are people too my friends, so by extension, bullets have personhood. (h/t to Mitt “I kill dogs and toy stores” Romney.)

What is wrong with his face? Like, not only are his eyes to close together, his face has this rather pinched look. Maybe it’s his glasses. Or the fact that he is a pin head.

On the internet, no one can see you not eat a white american cheese sandwich with mayo on wonder bread.

COTD - in the category “Best Musical”

I was unaware that Guilfoyle was one of those women who liked to correspond with guys who are in prison.

Well, we all know the mess Clinton made the last time he pulled out.

Remember that the NRA is getting sucked into this Russian/Trump money laundering swirl. So it is no surprise that former Marine and convicted felon is now a Commie Agent. He’s now known as Lee Harvey Oswald Jr.

Based upon this pic of Adelson, Ripley’s Wax Museum is just not trying anymore.

When he said “We’ve got five years” I didn’t think he was being literal!

Remind me again, Meghan is the one with the brain tumor, right?

To be fair, if Trump was there he’d pronounce “Cinco” as “Chink-O” and with the upcoming negotiations with North Korea and Little Penis Rocket Man, they don’t want to upset him.

Wait, are you describing the food at a “Mexican” themed party by the Smegma Nu frat or Thursday lunch in my high school cafeteria?

I guess I didn’t pay my union dues or something.

COTD finalist.