Syphilitic Scalia Says

Maybe the WH is concerned that Trump will confuse Shaw with Kanye...or the Central Park Five?

WH Press Corps rn is like Grand Moff Tarkin in New Hope when he found out Princess Leia was less than truthful about the location of the Rebel base.

Why aren’t all these people running to the rescue of Chris Christie 

I think I saw that scene last night on Handmaiden’s Tale.

-Roy Moore Apologist Who You Probably Shouldn’t Let Babysit aka friend of pedophilia enthusiasts and former Gov Michael Huckabee

Paying $1.65 million for a list that is missing the sections with the addresses for voters in Wisconsin and Michigan. Not a bad deal.

It’s amazing that you can hear Trump fill his diaper in real time.

His birthday gift to Melania this year will her not having to endure hearing him moan “Ivanka, Ivanka”, a series of quick pumps, and then a pathetic whimper.

In a few months, court transcripts will read that “pathetic whimper” was also the sound Trump made with Stormy Daniels.


Are we sure Megan McCain doesn’t also have brain cancer? At this point, that’s the only plausible explanation.

Trump got that glowing report on his health from Jackson the same way I got my HS english teacher to read and copyedit my college application essay- by bribing him with a bottle of scotch.

Look Droopy Eye McManhands, you are a lying, mean spirited shitgibbon who serves no useful purpose except to constantly remind us that the GOP, and the Trump Administration especially, is fucking heartless and evil.

Then why the fuck did he go? Have some spine and tell that shit-gibbon “Non.”

I asked my barber. He said “They do two separate things at two separate times. 2 in 1 is a waste of money.”

She should ask her handlers in Chinese intelligence.

After this latest disgrace, Senator Kelly McConnell turned into a bag of water and spilled out onto the Senate floor.

Even worse, the Senate cafeteria just announced that part of it’s spring menu will be the special “Turtle Soup with a side of Chinese influence.”

“New York...are not sending they’ll best turds. They’re sending us smelly turds, and nasty turds, and some, I understand, are good turds (looks at his two large adult sons) but many are not. Believe me.”