Syphilitic Scalia Says

and a Texan who swore hed find me and butt fuck me in my front yard while my family watched.”

Curt Schilling approves this post.

More like Chick tracts.

Wow. Lestat paid Trump $1.25 million dollars to suck Trump’s dick. That is an impressive trick.

Isn’t it obvious? Collins didn’t like soft balls.

First and second. You can’t be too sure.

Under Armor called. They apologize for any transgressions and ask that this “gentleman” no longer wear their clothes.

le apuca de păsărică!


Lori may be dead, but her unwatchable melodrama infects everything around them, even to this day.

Rhode Island won’t let Curt Schilling have any fun...

Regulated? Let’s dance!

There is no Trump audible. But if there were, it would be the best, most beautiful audible called and would win bigly. Believe me. #sniff.

In a strange twist it’s the showrunners Hurd and writer Gimple and that obnoxious asshole from Talking Dead. There was much rejoicing!

Caruso had some minor parts in movies prior to TV (as a young punk sheriff deputy in First Blood & young punk recruit in Officer and A Gentleman) but you are right-Caruso is definitely known for being too big for his ginger britches.

Well, that was a load of shit. I was so fed up last season with all the hype to who gets killed by the showrunners and then to have them pull a Sopranos? No way, José. I vowed not to watch it in real time but time shift it so I could skip through the ads. So I did it and even jumped ahead to see who bought it. Went

Show me the utility bill!

Who dies: Gale Hurd or that other shitheel showrunner for pumping up that fake ending last season. Or that unfunny dick who hosts Talking Dead for encouraging that shit.

So Schilling knows that we now have the technology to record his voice, so when he goes on one of his delusional RWNJ rants or talks about his lust for underage girls, the campaign members for the Sen. Warren reelection committee can capture it all for their TV and radio spots.

Montgomery ‘s concussion? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!