Syphilitic Scalia Says

Roger Gooddell: Your 2016 Haughty Dipshit

I’ve done my part!

FYI: Gawker main page is slow and doesn’t seem to have been updated in awhile.

So they interviewed Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon....who else?

I thought he was pulling a Bear Grylls. “Long flight back to NY, better drink my piss.”

The Senate is out of session until November so unless the Turtle calls everyone back there won’t be a vote until after the election.

Someone should remind this Patriot that there is always a room waiting for him at the Hanoi Hilton.

Do you know who else The Atlantic made a space for? The Titanic.

Wait a second. Didn’t this worseless sack of shit get all bent out of shape when some guys commented onTwitter on how hot Schilling’s daughter was and who was at the time  a rising college freshman?

Do you love tigers and happy endings and hate animal enclosures? 

+1. I knew the quote was coming as soon as you said Bolivian Marching Powder.

I was unaware a noose around the neck was part of the Browns uniform.

Of course the NFL Hone Office immediately fined him $1000 for removing his helmet while he was on the field.

Now it’s going to be 11/8. Or maybe 10/7...

The bearded gravy stain did better today.

It’s actually Scottie Nell Hughes not Neil Hughes. And if you care to share your thoughts with her her Twitter handle is “scottienhughes”

Would you mind if I tweeted some of these to old BillO?

I can’t wait until this Tea Bagger Turnip is out of Congress and Hassan is representing NH.