Syphilitic Scalia Says

None of them lived that long before.

So that’s where George RR Martin has been spending his time when he should be finishing the next GoT book.

Usually they are covered in knee pads.

Nate Silver sucks. At this point he is accurate about 50% of the time. Do you know who else is accurate 50% of the time? Flipping a fucking quarter.

They are going to crush Mother Boy this year.

Try “generic republican politician”

For a second I thought it was Chuck Johnson shitting on the floor.

What do you plan on doing about this change?

This is from the paper where the editorial board policy has been “Israel First” for the past 70 years, so it's not surprising.

Another name to cross off my fantasy draft list.

Hahaha! Bye-Bye extra time pay! I bet a dollar that they will change their tune come October once they get their September pay checks.

...who’s putting together an audition reel for a when she eventually accuses Fox News executives of sexually harassing her.

I miss The Vane.

I read the comment from the guy at Merck (if it is really from him) and thought “Hope your kid enjoys those polio braces Santa is going to bring him.”

They were filming a straight to video version of “The Omen: Shithead Edition” in his office later.

Woman should be in quotes.

This is a huge problem in the meat packing industry. Round up the CEOs of those firms and stick them in prison for 30 or 60 days will change their policies.

And then slapped with an injunction five minutes later by the BBC.

I was hoping El Chapo would be paying attention...

Minnesota needs a QB...(sees Teddy cut off his leg below the knee, stab a wooden spoon in the bloody stump and suit up)