Syphilitic Scalia Says

“I’m going back to Mexico? Interesting.”

Marco out pressing the flesh at a get out the vote rally: “Please remember to vote for me in November.”

He only visits roadhouse bars that allow him to park that thing around back.

Even Adam Corolla is embarrassed by this asshole.

But yeah, that's Buffalo Wild Wings. Mental breakdowns are expected at those places.

Weatherman Bob “Lyin’ Ryan” is still alive.

Stadium security moved quickly to apprehend the fan and escorted him out of the dugout and off the field.

Foxwoods Casinos...

Any word who is playing the Tachikomas?

The answer is always “Butterfly” but my heart loves that they also did one for “Goodbye, horses.”

“I’d catch me...”

And yet they couldn't build/rebuild/fix the transmission in my 2nd gen Accura TL. More gears isn't the answer.

Transmissions, razor blades, Moar is better!

No hug? That’s a shitty dad.

This has the beginnings of a great CL posting in Casual Encounters.

But it's authentic Slovenian gibberish.

Very nice

I haven't seen the show, but this I have to see.

They should’ve kicked Johnson in his dick for that bullshit. Ambushing someone on live TV isn't cool.

Oh, King is just an asshole.