Syphilitic Scalia Says

No, Fox is. Why do they keep showing us all those recruitment and training videos? Hmmm? HMMMMMMM?

You’re confusing them with Fox News, Pocahontas.

Manning reads accusations. Says to himself (in the Nationwide jingle cadence) “That explains my potato head.”

Was a copy of the explanation sent along with a tape of the play to the NFL as part of the job application process?

“I’d say blame the Jews but arson sounds good.” -Donald Trump

He should’ve quoted Mr. Blonde “It’s my drone now.”

Kill them...with kindness!

Fuck this. Have garden hose, will travel (up to 50 ft from the spigot).

Maybe it was just a late late night snack. Did he go to sleep and then wake up and have that? And oysters? Is he going to get busy later?

My Dad has started drinking early today.

“What am I changing? How the fuck should I know? I’m high as fuck right now. Got any Funyans?”

aka Barry Gibb Jesus

Same here. Picking up Matt Flynn just in case and crying already.

Comments like that means that the private eyes...are watching you...

<said in a French accent>Don’t pussy out on me now. They don’t know. They don’t know shit. You’re not gonna get hurt. You’re fucking Baretta and they believe every word, cuz you’re super cool.

Good morning fine sirs. Would you happen to have a daguerreotype of Mr. Richard Dent to which to display? While I am vaguely familiar with his foot-ball activities, I cannot recall what he looks like. Possibly him performing the foot-ball or possibly of him sitting with Senator Abraham Lincoln would be most welcome.

If Trump doesn’t like Brady’s answers, Trump will attempt to sue the league out of existence.

I had to read this several times to get it. The last time I read it aloud and my co-worker asking me if I was having a stroke.

Dollar Shave Club pal. Just saying. That thing looks like it’s infested with crabs.

“Shit sandwich? I’d love a shit sandwich! Majority Leader Turtle, er..I mean McConnell, only allows me to have them on special occasions!”