Syphilitic Scalia Says

It was the wrong tone and we apologise to anyone who was offended.

But are the Cubs fans sad the right way?

Charlie don’t vote!


I started reading this and initally confused it with Jason Whitlock’s former site Unreadable or Unbreakable or whatever it is called and thought “Wow, they had a podcast there as well?” Now I realize that you are talking about Simmons former site. Gotcha.

+1 Whoopi!

Conservatives have a problem with Captain America/Sam Wilson? How come? A strapping young Kenyan Muslin like him...

See this is the difference from the Ray Lewis years. Ray Lewis would have shanked the 49ers on the field. Because Ray Lewis is a criminal who stabbed people.

If the Michigan/MSU fan reactions were tied to Draft Kings/Fan Duel, what would the promo code be? BAWLING? BLOWNSNAP?

A reference to the original “The Omen” nevers gets old.

You have the floor, please continue.

the NBC announcer cracked wise with one of the right’s most classic myths: that income taxes these days are extraordinarily high.

Kohl’s had a buy one/get one sale that week.

That was awesome! Thanks for posting that.

What’s Ben Carson doing there?

“Estrogen Cabal”? Really? And there is no War On Women in the GOP...oh no of course not...

I can’t wait for his racist, Islamphobic, and anti-evolution tirades on FB and Twitter. Just like Curt!

“This copy paste job courtesy of DraftKings. Play daily fantasy on Draft Kings. Promo code: PLAGIARISM.”

He woke up, looked at Khloe, and his first words were “I made a huge mistake.”

Angry GI Joe