Syphilitic Scalia Says

This turd burglar and Papelbon should team up and do a buddy comedy on Fox.

Is “Pulling an Elvis” the term in Houston for “Bopping the Bishop”?

Fiorina by the numbers: 30, 100, 2

He cleans up rather well.

[Crosstalk involving speculation over whether or not Charlie Gasparino has a soul]

Including that shirt? Yuck.

He did it to get Kylie Jenner’s attention.

This is rather rich coming from someone who aborted 30,000 jobs while the CEO of HP and put the company in the shitter, even after their division in Dubai sold computers to Iran, an item which was on the “No Export” list.

I can’t wait until this brave, 13 year old conservative “activist” joins the army to fight in another war based on lies for blood and treasure.

She was saying, ‘Oh, what I said about Obama...’ In 2008, she was the original birther! She was the one that started that whole thing! Hillary is a birther!”

What in the sweet jesus almighty is this thing?

When the Dalai Lama was asked about his thoughts on the comments by Rachel from Hot Girls Wanted, “As long as you have boobs and a vagina and an ass, that’s all that really matters. They don’t care about who you actually are.” the Dalai Lama said “Yeah, sounds about right.”

At some point, she starts talking about how she’s been looking for a male prostitute to replace her husband.

Sounds like we have the same father.

He is so stupid, he’d pulled out, miss jizzing on Wisconsin entirely, and instead blast himself in the eye.

“$20,000 per game and he doesn’t even have to spell?!? I’m getting fucked over here!”

“That was God smiting your team, Pete. Ask Russ about how that works.” -Aaron Rogers

Remember, the folks being polled aren’t the local MENSA chapter.

What will it take? Having it taken away and then they have to fend for themselves. My Dad is like that. If/when it happens he’ll get no sympathy from me.