Syphilitic Scalia Says

The charm and the IQ of overlooked zucchini.

Several episodes of Ken Burns’ The Civil War documentary is on PBS this afternoon.

This pic plus the Sad Bama fans gallery is making my morning.

“Can’t he just rub some cocaine on it? It always worked for me.” -Michael Irvin

The only credible ESPN reporters drop “Draft Kings” every third sentence.

Or she could get run over with a truck.

They can’t fire her and jail doesn’t seem to bother her. Black site in a brutal dictatorship it is!

Maybe Simpson was suffering a stroke.

Watch the movie.

<Reads list of times you were let off the hook for marijuana, and other drug, possession>

“What I do have a problem with is he still wants to put kids in jail for marijuana. What I was upset with Jeb Bush was his hypocrisy,” Paul said. “If a white kid is caught with it, and they’re from a well-to-do family, they get a good lawyer and they don’t go to jail.”

“Well, Jake, it was in this hand that I held the list of the 30,000 hard working men and women I was going to shit can because I was inept at my job as CEO and drove HP into the shitter. That’s why I should be President.”

Because the OP is grasping at straws to fill in reasons for his hatred for Sanders.

With this being a Mayweather fight I expected something more along the lines of “Dance Dance Revolution.”

It’s a still from the 1991 movie K2 starring Michael Biehn. In this scene his character is trying to entice the Sherpas to help them out up the mountain or he’ll burn the money they had been promised as payment.

Bah, K2 is a waste of money.

I was going to ask about that. Thanks for the tip and the link.

Clinton doesn’t have a handle on technology but Fiorina does? Is this the same Fiorina who put the once high flying HP into the shitter and canned 30,000 people?

I need a shot of penicillin after reading that sentence.

It looked more like a seminar on the reasons for good dental hygiene to me.