Syphilitic Scalia Says

“edible paper”

I love love LOVE how you don’t mention the Dan Patrick cameo. Last spring and summer he wouldn’t shut up about his part in this movie and he doesn’t rate a mention here in your column. Ha!

Cop 1: Dude I wonder if this is that fighter’s car? Jon Jones?

Ad’s on Netflix Streaming service? So they want me to cancel my subscription? Interesting business model...

“ Sudden-onset blindness wouldn’t explain 13 turnovers.” and “Fucking Pepperidge Farm is looking at the box score this morning and going, “Damn, that’s too many fuggin’ turnovers.” are two incredibly funny lines. Thank you for these.

+1 for the Powder reference.

And you know he stood in front of his full length mirror at home practicing that night after night for weeks and still fucked up the meter.

I tried reading this on my free Obama phone and it exploded. Holy shit.

Me too! Woohoo!

I haven’t updated my google machine in a while doofus

You forgot with his mouth full of food. He tends to talk with talk while he eats on the air or at least when they broadcast the internet portion of the show.

This immediately come to mind for me.

And she’s only been in office how long? She’s a quick study!

How do we know it was the real John Skipper that fired him and not the fake Landover Racist Names John Skipper that torpedoed Jason Reid’s radio show on WTEM back in March? The Fake John Skipper tends to do a lot of firing...

+1 for the crazy reference

But you said it without falling down, thus you get the stars.

“Now...if we could have only have had her holding a Bud Light...synergy would have been achieved.” -#UpForWhatEver Ad Executive