Syphilitic Scalia Says

And here is their (idiot) leader:

The consequences will never be the same.

And Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” swells as they kiss.


Nothing says we still can’t do it!

Someone “quitting Twitter” is suppose to make us feel bad? Maybe he should grow some thicker skin and ignore them or delete the rude comments

Thanks for the spoiler alert. Some of us haven’t seen the film yet.

The Nightrider approves of this idea.

And I just googled that...and urban dictionary came through with a description...and it’s a Nicki Minaj song as well...FML...

I’d assume “munchers of black dicks” but I’ll wait for a decision from the committee.

Second place? I demand a rematch! <Hugs all around>

Someone should put it to music once it becomes available under common license.

Floyd got confused. He forgot you hug women and punch boxers, not the other way around.

He was smelling his own bullshit.

Correction: It’s Landover Racist Names not Washington Racial Slurs.

“Well, attention is attention is attention, right?”

It would have been sadder if it had hit a seat and popped back out onto the field.

They gave him a very nice parting gift.

Christ, Handyman has really let himself go.

If they don’t like it they can just quit. Oh wait, it’s tough to find a job where you can beat people and abuse your power with no recourse on the part of the citizenry? Tough shit, shitbird.