
How is this at all P2W? You are making some massive leaps here that make no sense.

It is no longer just a group of friends. It was never just a game.”

I understand people’s reticence to this, especially if you belong to the cultures this particular fantasy-inspired campaign exists in, but if your example boils down to them wearing some costumes in a silly promo piece that explorers used to wear, then that’s... not a lot.

So no matter how sensitive or respectful they might be, white people should never explore anything outside of their own culture and heritage? It is WILD how the far left is swinging all the way back around to the idea that segregation might be a good idea

Maybe they thought that dressing up in traditional attire of cultures that aren’t their own as white people would’ve been 10x worse.

No one is ‘so mad’, it’s just like 20 people on Twitter. I’ve seen just as many people be happy to be represented and feel seen by the campaign.

So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

Hitman 3

Honestly, this far in, the “are e-sports sports?” debate feels so unnecessary and boring.

I think that ignores the actual community/emotions that is developed from physical events. Why go to a convention when you can just consume majority of that same content at home?

I definitely agree that holding physical events is a big-ass “no thanks” in the current state of the world, but I feel like we can make that

I feel like that “comparison is an example of putting words and peoples mouths and then shaming them for it, tho. Like, I don’t think there is anyone using “sports” to refer to stationary games, as a 1:1 labor with other physical sports. If anything, they’re adapting the term into meaning of