
Well, in the UK, it would be a crime for anyone over 16 to engage in any sexual behaviour with an under-16-year-old (although the reality is that most boys, and it’s usually boys dating younger than them, who are under 18 tend to be treated very leniently by the law).

Without a doubt it’s absolutely creepy that a thirtysomething man is texting a 14-year-old girl who is not his daughter, but that’s not the same as a 14-year-old girl dating another 14-year-old (and for what it’s worth, no I don’t particularly approve of under-16-year-olds having sex, although dating doesn’t always ent

I have a newsletter I can send you.

That’s fine. I sit down to watch a Star Wars movie and for two hours, I’m eight years old again. YMMV.

I loved Solo, I loved TLJ, I love Star Wars. I’ll watch whatever new content there is to watch. But Solo should be coming out in three months, not four months ago. Marvel caught lightning in a bottle. Star Wars should have never tried to do the same.

FWIW, Solo has a significantly higher fan reaction on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic than The Last Jedi. People didn’t see Solo for a variety of reasons (I’m not big on prequels or origin stories, so I passed), but it doesn’t sound as if the actual product was a disaster in any sense.

I bet sex in Buffalo only happens on folding tables.

I think it’s Andy Kaufman.

Then he definitely shouldn’t be giving her any advice.

Maybe it was meant for Bobby Brown and he got the wrong Twitter account.

Close. It was clearly Crispin Glover.

No way, he’s too old for this shit!

I find this hard to believe. If Bert was gay wouldn’t he have plucked his unibrow?

You can’t be too surprised at rudeness, it’s right there in his name. I do think it kind of missed the point of the question though.

mmmm..... peaches....

yeeeeah... so I wouldn’t doubt the government in Russia would do this, but I also wouldn’t doubt a Pussy Riot member would do this to themselves for the publicity of it. 

Aw, you’re just russian to conclusions.

I see we’re working hard to make “assault” one of those words that doesn’t really mean anything anymore. 

So no chance he makes his major feature directing debut with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, then?

You should probably contact your cable provider about that.