
The same GAO which has castigated virtually every American fighter in development as a failure & fiscal disaster since the 70's.
They denounced every major, successful weapons system which successfully persecuted the Gulf War.

Your faith in government is as unskeptical as it gets.

I also notice you didn’t even address my core complaint: the displacement of discussion of military hardware.


DNC talking points: NOUN + VERB + RUSSIA

What’s most sad is that the blog is now intrinsically partisan.
Military hardware is the also-ran subject, these days.

And when hardware is the focus, politics still takes a prominent role in most articles.

Neat. That is a spiffy uniform if I do say so myself.

I would point out you misspelled covfefe, but that would be ironic.

Both the Soviets & the US were allowed 1 ABM system of limited scope under the defunct ABM Treaty — either on their capitol (the Soviets put theirs around Moscow) or to defend their own deterrent — we placed ours in defense of missile fields in the Dakota’s.

Ours was killed by the weak political will & geopolitical

IIRC, PAC-1 was even slightly downgraded in capability in order to remain compliant with the ABM Treaty with the Soviets. There is no such conflict now since GW Bush pulled out of that in 2002.


The enhanced-radiation-tipped interceptors died for a reason: a basic impossibility to ever get overseas & Allied basing.
Now we have THAAD in Korea, SM-3 worldwide, have land-based SM-3's* coming to Poland & Romania & GBI’s sitting happily in Alaska & Vandenburg.

The land-based SM-3 is itself a downgrade from the

Someone had to:

For the sake of completeness, you can visibly see the speedometer read 80mph early in the video and right about 55 at the time of the collision.
And at those 55 MPH, he was STILL rapidly overtaking the Camry, until collision.

I’m on the Biker’s side — none of this absolves the Camry driver of reckless idiocy — but he

Came here to say this, but you already did.

That Toyota driver is tore up from the floor up.
On top of needlessly threading a needle, bumper to bumper, just to get in the lane, he crossed solid lines to do so.

Throw the book at him and watch what sticks with this video evidence.
I’m not talking jail time, that’s just hilarious overkill, but a solid 5+ points on

He’s doing it wrong.
Inverting yourself over a 707-derivative is like burning out at the green of a stop light next to an elderly couple in a luxobarge... who the fuck are you impressing?

I think the coast-to-coast propensity to hog the left lane in America is a symptom of an entitled culture, ignorance & being distracted behind the wheel.
For what it’s worth, interstate drivers are far, far better in this regard, IMO.

By interstate I do literally mean those who do road trips on the lifeless, nothing

We take GPS for granted, but USAAC (army air corps) did the hard work of learning to navigate in the 1930's, including celestially, which served them well in WWII & beyond.