Joule thief!
Joule thief!
Some historical notes:
7 Days to the Rhine plan. What was most hilarious is the Soviets questioned whether Poland could defect to NATO when the shit started flying.
“He joins Patrick Peterson (99 yards) and Robert Bailey (103) as the only players to accomplish the feat.”
No; no the Bradley does not need to be replaced, any more than the Abrams needs to be replaced. IFVs and tanks are 95% outdated, the question of “who has the better IFV/tank” is infinitely less useful than “who wins the air superiority and air support” war, since both IFVs and tanks are big, fat, easy targets for…
I think everyone with a modicum of knowledge about ww2 aircraft development is aware of the Zero fighter’s later shortcomings. However in the early phase of the war it was indeed a superb fighter. The Allies had several advantages in all theatres of war.
but it was also due to the fact that CA, especially the LA basin and central valley, face for worse consequences from air pollution because of atmospheric conditions
Regardless of size, a state shouldnt have the power to dictate Federal Law. The larger picture here is that California wants to shape the Country’s Laws to appease its residents.
Unless there is very little traffic, in which case, just pay attention and move over if needed. If two cars are both moving at about the same speed, is safer to use both lanes (and keep a few car lengths apart) than to follow in the same lane.
to be fair, If you’re ahead of me, i’m passing you, so i stay in the left lane anyway. it’s just easier.
Hmm, let me try to follow her train of thought. Just crashed into a semi truck + multi car pile up in a blizzard. Gonna text first instead of looking at what might hit her from behind. Sadly, no Darwin award for this one.
Maybe ridiculous speed limits put everyone to sleep... Maybe looking for speed cameras, hidden cop cars tires people... But lets say its just our fault once again...
The thick cloud of smug that envelops many of them seems to hinder visibility quite a lot.
This brings to mind the ultimate existential question:
I think the key feature of his design is how he disguised the little box that catches the spent .223 round as the on/off controls. I would have just blocked the gas tube.
Garage built almost always means safety is an afterthought.